Math 413 Analysis I

Fall 2003

Instructor: David Marker
Call Number: 67387
Class Meets: 1200 MWF 220 SH
Office: 411 SEO
Office Hours: M 1:30-3, W 9-11, Th 10:30-12
Finals Week Office Hours T 12-3, Th 10:30-12, 1-3 phone: (312) 996-3069
course webpage:



Grade of C or better in Math 215 Introduction to Advanced Mathematics, or consent of instructor.


The main purpose of Math 413--414 is to rigorously revisit many of the ideas and results from Calculus I and II, including: As time permits, additional topics may include metric spaces, differential equations and Fourier series.

Here is a detailed week-to-week syllabus.

Problem Sets

As in all advanced mathematics courses, homework problem sets are an essential part of the course. There will be weekly homework assignement. You may discuss homework problems with other students, but you must write up your solution independently. All proofs should be written neatly with complete gramatical sentences. Each problem should be submitted on a separate page. Late homework will be accepted only in exceptional circumstances.


Homework Assignments

Bonus Problems


David Marker's homepage

Last revised: 12/12/03