Course: MCS 583, Extremal Combinatorics
Call no: 44948
Time: MWF 10:00-10:50pm
Place: 202 Lincoln Hall

Professor: Dhruv Mubayi
Office: 620 SEO
Course Web Page:
Office Hours: TBD

Grading Policies and Points Breakdown:
You grade will be based on homework assignments (roughly 4-5 problems every two weeks) (60%), and quizzes/in-class tests, and class presentations (40%). A total score of 80% roughly correlates to an A. You can discuss homework with each other but must write it up independently with no help from anyone else. Do not search the web for solutions, but you are permitted to search the web for definitions (or just email me).
Homework *MUST* be typed in Latex and posted on blackboard as a pdf file before class begins on the day it is due.

Accommodations: Disability Policy - Students with disabilities who require accommodations for access and participation in this course must be registered with the Office of Disability Services (ODS). Please contact ODS a 312/413/-2183 (voice) or 312/413-0123 (TTY).

Prerequisite: An undergraduate course in combinatorics/graph theory or probability, and the mathematical maturity of a (relatively advanced) graduate student.

Course Description: Extremal combinatorics studies the extreme value of a parameter over a class of discrete objects. The subject has been growing for the past century and by now it encompasses some of the most important contributions to combinatorics and has applications to many other disciplines including discrete geometry, number theory, coding theory, computer science. This course will study the modern developments in the subject focusing on Ramsey theory and extremal graph and hypergraph theory. Throughout the course open problems will be presented that are suitable for thesis research.

A sampling of topics:

Course Goals and Learning Objectives: To gain proficiency in the main themes of modern extremal combinatorics.

Recommended Coure Materials: Extremal Combinatorics, by Mubayi and Verstraete; I will provide an electronic copy of the working draft of this text.

Policy for missed or late work, including acceptance of revised work: Homework turned in late will not be graded unless prior approval of the instructor has been obtained.
Attendance/Participation Policy: Attendance is required and students are expected to actively participate and engage with the material during lectures.

Community Agreement/Classroom Conduct Policy: Community Agreement: Ground Rules for a Safe/Brave Space
Homework 1, Due Friday September 13
Homework 2, Due Friday September 27
Homework 3, Due Friday October 11
Homework 4, Due Friday October 25
Homework 5, Due Friday November 8
Homework 6, Due Friday November 22
Homework 7, Due Friday December 6