Problem 1: -2 pts for syntax errors -5pts for no sorting but just checking whether the numbers are in the right order -3pts for incorrect sorting -4pts for using if/elseif instead of ? operator Problem 2: -2pts for syntax errors -2pts for incorrect input -2pts for not considering capital letters -3pts for not counting the number of vowels in the string Problem 3: -2pts for syntax errors -2pts for using cout<< instead of std::ofstream declared before -4pts for incorrect file input/output code -4pts for incorrect for loop (loop has to run from i=33 to i=126) -4pts for incorrect output (not outputting i, i+1, i+2 in one line) -4pts for incorrect typecasting (eg, not outputting the character but just giving an int instead) -4pts for incorrect line breaking (lines should be broken every 3 lines) Problem 4: -2pts for syntax errors -2pts for not using a function that takes integer n as argument -4pts, use a random seed to get new random numbers every time -4pts, the function doesn't ask the user to input n Problem 5: -2pts for syntax errors -4pts not taking care of signs in the summation -4pts Using pi = 3.14 instead of calling the function defined above. -2pts for not defining a function that takes integer n as argument -2pts for not including the computed value of f(250) as part of the answer. Problem 6: -2pts for syntax errors -2pts for incorrect stopping condition: The first 50 odd numbers greater than one are 3,5,7,...,101. -6pts for incorrect loop: The first 50 odd numbers greater than one are 3,5,7,...,101. -4pts for incorrect logic: you only output "false" if none of the integers divide n, so that cout statement should be outside the for loop. -10pts, missing crucial logic on how to figure out if a number is divisible by any of the odd numbers in the given range.