Discrete Mathematics Workshops Spring 2013
Discrete Mathematics workshops will cover several different topics, including cryptography, iteration and recursion, graph theory, combinatorics and decision theory. All workshops will include student materials and discussion of what is currently being taught in high school discrete math courses. All topics and activities will be designed to involve participants in new and challenging mathematical ideas. If there is interest, at least some of the workshops will provide instruction in programming (likely python). Other computing tools, such as Geogebra, and Wolfram Alpha will be used.

The aim of the workshops is to explore options for including discrete mathematics in the high school curriculum -- either as a fourth-year option or extensions to existing programming (many topics are excellent for math clubs). This will be discussed at every workshop with sample topics, engaging activities, computing tools, resources and books.

Topics will be determine by participant interest.

Workshop 1: Cryptography April 27
The topic for this workshop is cryptography. We will be working with materials from CryptoClub, a UIC project that provides cryptography programming for middle grade afterschool programs. You will receive two copies of a student "Cipher Handbook" and a leader manual. We will learn the six classical ciphers covered in the handbook and make plans to continue learning more advanced cryptography. Cryptography gives students the chance to see an exciting and relevant application of mathematics using skills already acquired in school. Furthermore, CryptoClub offers many opportunities for students to develop good mathematical habits of mind such as those listed in the Standards for Mathematical Practice from the Common Core State Standards. We will be paying close attention to the seventh Practice Standard: Look for and make use of structure.


A webpage with games, messages to crack and other activities for learning cryptography.

Workshop 2: Cryptography May 4
We are joined by Janet Beissinger to continue learning crytopgraphy.


Workshop 3: Introduction to Python Programming May 18

The Python Tutorial from the official Python webpages.
Think Python by Allen Downey
How to think like a computer scientist
Python and Coding Theory by David Joyner
Course Notes, Spring 2009-2010





Workshop 4: Cryptography June 1
Topics from discrete mathematics: graph theory and recursion. We will do some introductory activities for both topics and look at some books that present the material for high school students. The activities are hands-on, focus on problem solving and should be engaging for both you and potentially for your students. As well, they present a mathematical point of view common to many discrete mathematics topics.


some notes on coding, including the 1213 sequence

Workshop 5: What's Fair? June 15
Topics from discrete mathematics: game theory and decision theory. Steve Starr, from Lake View High School, joins us to conduct lessons from a unit he wrote called "What's Fair?". We do activities on sealed bid devision, Prisoner's Dilemma, and Tragedy of the Commons.


Click here for the files of clasroom materials in the What's Fair? unit written by Steve Starr

Workshop 6: Discrete Mathematics through Applications June 22


slides from Richard Rodriguez on Zeno's Paradoxes

Template for lesson presentation, WORD file

--Last updated June 22 by Bonnie Saunders