Computational and Applied Mathematics

Math 579 -- Singular Perturbations -- Spring 2003

Course Number: 60724

Instructor: Charles Tier   e-mail:

Time: 3-4:15 MW     Room: 313 TH

Office: 720 SEO     Phone: 312-996-2442

Course Web Page:


The course deals with perturbation methods (regular and singular) which are used to systematically construct approximations to problems (e.g. ODE and PDE) which are otherwise intractable. The approximations are analytic and often provide important insight into the behavior of the solution. This is in contrast to numerical solutions which can provide extremely accurate results yet not provide sufficient information about the solution. The purpose of the course is to survey important perturbation methods. These methods will be contrasted with numerical methods and it will be illustrated how the perturbation and numerical methods often complement one another.

Text and References

Tentative Topics

Prerequisites: background in differential equations (ODE and PDE) or consent of instructor.