Stephen Yau's Home Page

Deptment of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science
University of Illinois at Chicago
409 SEO; (312)996-3065

Research Interests:

Algebraic geometry, singularity theory; complex geometry; CR geometry; nonlinear filtering theory; algebraic geometry code; information theory; control theory; financial math; image database; computer software testing

Fall 2005 Schedule:

  • MCS 590 Advanced topics in applied mathematics.


  • Ph.D (1976), The state University of New York at Stony Brook
  • M.A. (1974), The State University of New York at Stony Brook

    Curriculum Vitae:

    My Curriculum Vitae

    Selected Publications:

    1. in Control and Filtering (updated on August 25, 2021)
    2. in Bioinformatics (updated on August 25, 2021)
    3. in Pure Math (updated on August 25, 2021)
    4. in Coding Theory (updated on September 8, 2018)
    5. Some Selected Publications listed on the UIC MSCS department website (not updated for some time)