Math 535 Complex Analysis I Spring 2025

Welcome to Math 535! This course is an introduction to Complex Analysis. Complex Analysis is a cornerstone of modern mathematics. In this course we will explore the basic properties of complex analytic functions and conformal maps. The course should also prepare you for the Prelim exam in Complex Analysis.

Lecturer: Izzet Coskun,

Time: 2:00-2:50 MWF Lincoln Hall 301

Dropin hours: WF 1:00-2:00

Text book: Ahlfors, Complex Analysis. The last third of the course we will use Whittaker and Wattson, A Modern Course in Analysis.

Prerequisites: A solid background in basic analysis at the level of Math 533 and Math 417.

Homework: There will be weekly homework. The homework is due on Fridays at the beginning of class. Late homework will not be accepted. You are allowed to discuss problems; however, the write-up must be your own and should reflect your own understanding of the problem. There will also be a midterm and final problem set.

Grading: The homework and midterm will each count for 30% of your grade. The final will count for 40% of your grade.

Additional references: There are many excellent text books in Complex Analysis. You might want to refer to them for more information or a different point of view. Some of my favorites are:

Links to other complex analysis webpages: Caution I have not checked the material in these pages. Some seem to have beautiful pictures and applications.

Course materials:

  • The syllabus (pdf). The homework will be available on Gradescope.