Geoffrey Smith

Email: geoff.deg.smith at gmail dot com
As of May 2023, I am no longer at UIC. My new website is at this link.
From 2020 to 2023, I was a postdoc at UIC, studying algebraic geometry. Until May 2020, I was a graduate student at Harvard, studying under Joe Harris.
My CV.
In fall 2022, I am teaching Math 552, algebraic geometry.
Papers and preprints
Lines highly tangent to a hypersurface, with Anand Patel, Eric Riedl, and Dennis Tseng.
Effective cycles on universal hypersurfaces.
Stability and cohomology of kernel bundles on projective space, with Izzet Coskun and Jack Huizenga.
Rational linear subspaces of hypersurfaces over finite fields, with María Inés de Frutos Fernández, Sumita Garai, Kelly Isham, and Takumi Murayama.
Exceptional loci in Lefschetz theory, with Sam Raskin. Bulletin LMS, to appear.
Very free curves in Fano varities, with Izzet Coskun. J. Algebra 661, 2022, 246-264.
Vector bundles on trees of smooth rational curves. Comm. Algebra, 2022.
Covering gonalities of complete intersections in positive characteristic. Algebra & Number Theory 16.3, 2022, 731-745.
Low degree points on
curves, with Isabel Vogt. IMRN 2022.1, 2022, 422-445.
Constants in Titchmarsh divisor problems for elliptic curves, with Renee Bell, Clifford Blakestad, Alina Cojocaru, Alexander Cowan, Nathan Jones, Vlad Matei, and Isabel Vogt. Res. Number Theory 6.1, 2019.
The partition function modulo 3 in arithmetic progressions, with Lynnelle Ye. Ramanujan J. 39, 2016, 603-608.
Bounded gaps between primes in special sequences, with Lynn Chua and Soohyun Park. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 143.11, 2015, 4597-4611.
theory of curves on toric surfaces. J. Pure Appl. Algebra
219.7, 2015, 2629-2636.
Congruence properties of Taylor coefficients of modular forms, with Hannah Larson. Int. J. Number Theory, 10.6, 2014, 1501-1518.
In the fall of 2019 I co-organized an AG learning seminar on Hodge theory. Its website is here.