Baby Algebraic Geometry Learning Seminar (BAGeLS)
Fall 2019
Thursdays at 5:15 PM, SC 530
This semester we will cover Hodge theory. Gwyneth Moreland and Geoffrey Smith are organizing.
Sep 122019
SC 232
Geoffrey Smith
Organizational meeting
I'll briefly introduce Hodge theory and we'll discuss what will happen for the rest of the semester.
Sep 192019
SC 530
Duc Vo
Kähler manifolds
Voisin Chapter 3. The relevant section of Griffiths-Harris Chapter 0 is also a decent reference.
Sep 262019
SC 232
Naomi Sweeting
Sheaves and cohomology
Voisin Chapter 4, especially the definitions of the various sorts of cohomology (de Rham, Dolbeault, Cech).
Oct 32019
SC 530
Maxim Jeffs
The Hodge decomposition for Kahler manifolds
Define harmonic forms, state Voisin Theorem 5.2, then Voisin Chapter 6.
Oct 102019
SC 530
Waqar Ali
Hodge structures in the abstract
Oct 172019
SC 530
Yujie Xu
Variations of Hodge structure
In this talk, I will present Deligne's and Voisin's perspectives on Hodge structures and variation of Hodge structures. I will cover the Kahler case following Voisin, covering the semicontinuity theorem, local constancy of Hodge numbers, Griffith transversality, etc. I will give some examples involving abelian varieties. If time permits, I will discuss how a Shimura datum gives rise to a variation of Hodge structures.
Oct 242019
SC 530
Kevin Lin
The Hodge theory of hypersurfaces
Following Voisin II Chapter 6.
Oct 312019
SC 530
Vaughan McDonald, at 5:30 PM
The Hodge theory of hypersurfaces, continued
Also following Voisin II Chapter 6. But spooky or something.
Nov 72019
SC 530
Morgan Opie
Mixed Hodge Structures
Peters-Steenbrink Chapter 3
Nov 142019
SC 530
Gwyneth Moreland, at 5:35 PM
Mixed Hodge structures of smooth varieties
Peters-Steenbrink Chapter 4
Nov 212019
SC 530
Geoffrey Smith
Mixed Hodge structures of singular varieties
Peters-Steenbrink Chapter 5
Dec 52019
SC 530
Sasha Petrov
Mixed Hodge structures of singular varieties, continued
We'll cover the basic results of Hodge theory, as presented in e.g. Voisin's book or
Griffiths-Harris Chapter 0. We'll then get into more advanced topics according to the interests of the participants.