u**2 + v**2 + w**2 - 1.0;

- 12.0*b - 4.0*a + 4.0*c + 4.0*a*b + 4.0*a*c + 4.0*b*c + a**2 + 5.0*b**2
+ 13.0*c**2 + 8.0*w + 2.0*u + 9.0 + 8.0*a*c*u+ 8.0*a*c*w + 8.0*b*a*v
+ 8.0*b*c*v + 2.0*u*a**2 - 6.0*u*b**2 - 6.0*u*c**2 + 2.0*v*a**2 + 2.0*v*b**2
+ 2.0*v*c**2 + 8.0*w*c**2 + 8.0*b*u + 8.0*c*v - 8.0*a*v - 8.0*b*w + 2.0*v;

  8.860 - 6.0*b + 2.0*a + 4.0*a*b*u + 6.0*c - 6.0*a*b - 6.0*a*c + 6.0*b*c
+ 2.860*a**2 + 4.860*b**2 + 6.860*c**2 + 4.0*w - 3.0*u + 4.0*b*c*w + 4.0*a*w
- 4.0*c*u + 4.0*a*c*u + 4.0*b*c*v - 3.0*u*a**2 - 3.0*u*b**2 - 3.0*u*c**2
- 1.0*v*a**2 + 3.0*v*b**2 - 1.0*v*c**2 + 4.0*w*c**2 + 4.0*b*u - 4.0*a*v + 3.0*v;

- 2.0*b + 2.0*a + 2.0*c + 2.0*a*b - 10.0*a*c - 2.0*b*c + 3.5*a**2 - 2.5*b**2
+ 1.5*c**2 + 4.0*w - 5.0*u + 7.5 + 4.0*a*c*u - 4.0*a*c*w - 4.0*b*a*v
+ 4.0*b*c*v - 5.0*u*a**2 - 1.0*u*b**2 - 1.0*u*c**2 - 1.0*v*a**2 - 1.0*v*b**2
- 1.0*v*c**2 + 4.0*w*c**2 + 4.0*b*u - 4.0*c*v - 4.0*a*v + 4.0*b*w - 1.0*v;

- 4.0*a - 4.0*a*b*u - 1.333333333*c + 1.333333333*a*b - 4.0*b*c
- 1.638888889*a**2 + 0.361111111*b**2 - 1.638888889*c**2 + 2.0*w
- 0.6666666667*u - 4.0*b*c*w - 4.0*a*w + 0.361111111 + 2.0*w*b**2
+ 2.0*w*a**2 + 4.0*c*u- 0.6666666667*u*a**2 - 0.6666666667*u*b**2
- 0.6666666667*u*c**2 + v*a**2 - 3.0*v*b**2 + v*c**2 + 2.0*w*c**2 - 3.0*v;

- 8.0*b + 4.0*a*b*u + 8.0*c - 8.0*a*b - 8.0*a*c + 8.0*b**2 + 8.0*c**2
+ 2.0*w - 2.0*u + 4.0*b*c*w + 4.0*a*w - 2.0*w*b**2 - 2.0*w*a**2 - 4.0*c*u
+ 4.0*a*c*u + 4.0*a*c*w + 4.0*b*a*v + 4.0*b*c*v - 2.0*u*a**2 - 6.0*u*b**2
- 6.0*u*c**2 - 2.0*v*a**2 + 2.0*v*b**2 - 2.0*v*c**2 + 2.0*w*c**2 + 4.0*b*u
+ 4.0*c*v - 4.0*a*v - 4.0*b*w + 2.0*v;

TITLE : parallel robot, the so-called left-hand problem


total degree : 486
2-homogeneous Bezout number : 160
  with partition : {u v w }{b a c }
generalized Bezout number : 160
  based on the set structure :
     {u v w }{u v w }
     {u v w }{b a c }{b a c }
     {u v w }{b a c }{b a c }
     {u v w }{b a c }{b a c }
     {u v w }{b a c }{b a c }
     {u v w }{b a c }{b a c }
mixed volume : 160


B. Mourrain: "The 40 generic positions of a parallel robot".
In: M. Bronstein, editor, ISSAC'93, ACM Press, pages 173-182,
Kiev (Ukraine), 1993.

Also available in the FRISCO test suite, see


Given the length of the length of arms (between the ground and the platform)
of the parallel robot, we want to find all the possible positions of the
upper platform.

Several formulation of the problem are possible, according to
the representation of the displacement. Using quaternions (see
\cite{MB93issac}), we
obtain the following system for the matrix $X$ of base points and
the matrix $Y$ of points of the platform given
X :=\left [\begin {array}{cccccc} 0&1/2&3/2&3/2&1/3&2
\\\noalign{\medskip}0&-1&-1&-1&-1&0\end {array}\right ],\
Y := \left [\begin {array}{cccccc} 0&1&0&1&0&-1
&0&1&1&1\end {array}\right ]
and the length
lg := [ 1.0,1, 0.8,2,2,2]
{u}^{2}+{v}^{2}+{w}^{2}- 1.0
- 12.0b- 4.0a+ 4.0c+ 4.0ab+ 4.0ac+ 4.0bc+{a}^{2}+ 5.0{b
}^{2}+ 13.0{c}^{2}+ 8.0w+ 2.0u+ 9.0+ 8.0acu+ 8.0acw+
 8.0bav+ 8.0bcv+ 2.0u{a}^{2}- 6.0u{b}^{2}- 6.0u{c}^{2}+
 2.0v{a}^{2}+ 2.0v{b}^{2}+ 2.0v{c}^{2}+ 8.0w{c}^{2}+
 8.0bu+ 8.0cv- 8.0av- 8.0bw+ 2.0v
 8.860- 6.0b+ 2.0a+ 4.0abu+ 6.0c- 6.0ab- 6.0ac+
 6.0bc+ 2.860{a}^{2}+ 4.860{b}^{2}+
 6.860{c}^{2}+ 4.0w- 3.0u+ 4.0bcw+ 4.0aw- 4.0cu+
 4.0acu+ 4.0bcv- 3.0u{a}^{2}- 3.0u{b}^{2}- 3.0u{c}^{2}-
 1.0v{a}^{2}+ 3.0v{b}^{2}- 1.0v{c}^{2}+ 4.0w{c}^{2}+
 4.0bu- 4.0av+ 3.0v
- 2.0b+ 2.0a+ 2.0c+ 2.0ab- 10.0ac- 2.0bc+ 3.5{a
}^{2}- 2.5{b}^{2}+ 1.5{c}^{2}+ 4.0w-
 5.0u+ 7.5+ 4.0acu- 4.0acw- 4.0bav+ 4.0bcv- 5.0u
{a}^{2}- 1.0u{b}^{2}- 1.0u{c}^{2}- 1.0v{a}^{2}- 1.0v{b}
^{2}- 1.0v{c}^{2}+ 4.0w{c}^{2}+ 4.0bu- 4.0cv- 4.0av+
 4.0bw- 1.0v
- 4.0a- 4.0abu- 1.333333333c+ 1.333333333ab- 4.0bc-
 1.638888889{a}^{2}+ 0.361111111{b}^{2}- 1.638888889{c}
^{2}+ 2.0w- 0.6666666667u- 4.0bcw- 4.0aw+ 0.361111111+
 2.0w{b}^{2}+ 2.0w{a}^{2}+ 4.0cu- 0.6666666667u{a}^{2}-
 0.6666666667u{b}^{2}- 0.6666666667u{c}^{2}+v{a}^{2}-
 3.0v{b}^{2}+v{c}^{2}+ 2.0w{c}^{2}- 3.0v
- 8.0b+ 4.0abu+ 8.0c- 8.0ab- 8.0ac+ 8.0{b}^{2}+ 8.0{c}^
{2}+ 2.0w- 2.0u+ 4.0bcw+ 4.0aw- 2.0w{b}^{2}- 2.0w{a}^{2
}- 4.0cu+ 4.0acu+ 4.0acw+ 4.0bav+ 4.0bcv- 2.0u{a}^{2}-
 6.0u{b}^{2}- 6.0u{c}^{2}- 2.0v{a}^{2}+ 2.0v{b}^{2}-
 2.0v{c}^{2}+ 2.0w{c}^{2}+ 4.0bu+ 4.0cv- 4.0av- 4.0bw+
Added to the list by B. Mourrain (April 1996).

% What is known about this system.
 \item Dimension $0$.
 \item Degree bounded by $40$. It depends on the geometry of the 
  upper and lower platform.

%Find the roots of the systems.


A mult-homogeneous start system is approriate.
It takes about 9m48s on idefix to trace all 160 paths.

The path directions to infinity are (-1,-1,-1,0,0,0) with m=1
and (-2,-2,-2,0,0,0) with m=2.


40 6
solution 1 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  1.67830540988268E+00   1.78588018271916E+00
 v :  2.90929982547187E-01  -4.36893377085222E+00
 w : -4.52998982844723E+00   3.81060137379532E-01
 b : -9.61202778351524E-01  -1.54796228969244E+00
 a :  2.72692577954433E+00   1.37721853152080E+00
 c : -1.55195110085470E+00   2.50574584504199E+00
solution 2 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u : -2.66901388002964E+00   1.52172280379038E+00
 v : -1.76545337329832E+00  -2.15122715628933E+00
 w :  1.72810166380565E-01   1.52541977473529E+00
 b :  5.01586502945566E-01   1.00065917688882E+00
 a : -9.97062477577645E-01  -4.53024128950244E-01
 c : -1.62536065240751E+00   1.23382674462822E+00
solution 3 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  7.13114881819550E-01   8.84690575230354E-02
 v : -6.48181112560232E-01   6.04356049623105E-02
 w : -2.98694290933054E-01   8.00664243122927E-02
 b : -4.75568819163413E+00   7.46646880960425E-01
 a : -2.44865666311767E+00   3.24159608963511E-01
 c :  2.06450825933695E-01   2.48468854393127E-01
solution 4 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  1.27446691144164E+00  -2.68411604281588E-02
 v :  8.94854564010792E-03  -7.78247673313380E-01
 w : -1.82103863107714E-01  -2.26092708587871E-01
 b : -1.40066880461282E+00  -8.85666908643008E-01
 a : -1.77218355694340E-01   1.51645397837783E+00
 c :  2.78994239732248E+00   5.82195969543700E-01
solution 5 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u : -9.40131191267893E+00  -9.43577945927657E+00
 v : -3.07566087881006E+00  -7.57530656983855E+00
 w : -1.18112302877027E+01   9.48315943127198E+00
 b : -1.27022189309648E-01   9.77728383616571E-01
 a : -2.13316938067606E-01   4.36343294396376E-01
 c :  5.56981768875839E-01   4.64851988107945E-01
solution 6 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u : -2.66901388002964E+00  -1.52172280379038E+00
 v : -1.76545337329832E+00   2.15122715628933E+00
 w :  1.72810166380564E-01  -1.52541977473529E+00
 b :  5.01586502945565E-01  -1.00065917688882E+00
 a : -9.97062477577643E-01   4.53024128950244E-01
 c : -1.62536065240751E+00  -1.23382674462822E+00
solution 7 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u : -1.68430599421000E+00  -5.91162509707962E-01
 v : -1.02136879457992E+00   1.59251012521063E+00
 w : -7.95982347689153E-01  -7.92532133558964E-01
 b : -3.05059177266336E-01   8.82458342963159E-01
 a : -2.49519496357464E+00   1.19867108845481E+00
 c : -2.24750470979433E+00   6.26331959724670E-01
solution 8 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  1.93226092557007E+00  -3.24887294348268E-01
 v :  2.52581189059373E-01   1.59904811705070E+00
 w :  4.07871828406164E-01   5.48891915851034E-01
 b : -7.14713432021397E-01  -3.14401510171426E-01
 a :  6.13544860297154E-01  -1.90350772206065E+00
 c :  2.24214398089609E+00   2.04702950667375E+00
solution 9 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  9.43646174421106E-01  -2.51083322418195E-01
 v : -4.65247215624364E-01  -2.33115598490197E-01
 w : -3.65807620073296E-01  -3.51215848152526E-01
 b :  1.27199854824884E+00   1.85705217376491E-01
 a :  1.70077015242226E-01   3.32761916466092E-01
 c : -4.58616003820444E-01   6.08839310588357E-01
solution 10 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u : -1.01204443449627E+00  -4.96290861092026E-02
 v :  6.56116328038082E-01  -5.22936247975928E-01
 w : -4.65641223666886E-01  -6.28982477383803E-01
 b :  1.25632201664186E-01  -3.28115188291999E-01
 a : -1.27538605287322E-01   1.43292806597813E+00
 c : -3.43566992761562E-01   6.79212882999765E-01
solution 11 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  1.51987721593376E+00  -6.13543376113679E-01
 v : -7.97487999239977E-01  -1.25071829236840E+00
 w :  2.49669498483209E-01  -2.60032685794114E-01
 b : -2.53308850339866E-02  -2.14855027201371E-02
 a : -1.81540173225660E+00   7.55999307364567E-01
 c :  3.52648767281108E-01  -1.19654364408195E+00
solution 12 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  7.13114881819550E-01  -8.84690575230368E-02
 v : -6.48181112560232E-01  -6.04356049623114E-02
 w : -2.98694290933054E-01  -8.00664243122941E-02
 b : -4.75568819163413E+00  -7.46646880960435E-01
 a : -2.44865666311767E+00  -3.24159608963515E-01
 c :  2.06450825933696E-01  -2.48468854393132E-01
solution 13 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  5.89705725101541E-01   2.90001980173401E-01
 v : -1.19082798119433E+00   1.76827338344892E-01
 w :  4.89548128177854E-02   8.07992351832800E-01
 b :  2.83032947383011E-02   1.55114471071632E-01
 a : -1.17249404355289E+00  -1.34362499588689E+00
 c : -4.57519447280586E-03   1.54671012463530E-01
solution 14 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u : -5.55382829794239E-01  -4.70197740328915E-37
 v : -1.29902855853259E-02  -3.29138418230240E-37
 w : -8.31493334218714E-01  -1.17549435082229E-37
 b :  5.96052602616116E-01  -5.17217514361806E-37
 a : -1.40946041358819E-02  -3.29138418230240E-37
 c : -8.54617266873215E-01  -3.76158192263132E-37
solution 15 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u : -2.74268952822191E-01   1.46936793852786E-39
 v : -3.44946745301386E-01  -1.83670992315982E-39
 w : -8.97657108490653E-01  -1.37753244236987E-39
 b :  1.08739948518543E+00   1.46936793852786E-39
 a :  4.02213286018676E-01   1.46936793852786E-39
 c : -5.85370323592816E-02   2.93873587705572E-39
solution 16 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u : -2.19695095140812E-01  -3.01931388625790E-01
 v : -5.24317415821520E-01  -2.52603481196644E-01
 w : -9.36406827254043E-01   2.12276591598106E-01
 b :  9.94132017299192E-01   7.70434015823507E-01
 a :  3.33915665645130E-01   5.42494853228183E-01
 c :  1.38714665405798E-01   5.50106733094178E-01
solution 17 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  7.63857299844273E-01  -8.91014168859147E+00
 v : -1.00616426215060E+01  -6.63799480857455E-01
 w :  2.77562209078986E-02   4.58144583768800E+00
 b : -5.26936654788141E-02   5.72894310954582E-01
 a : -7.45178566211849E-01  -1.01449931495220E+00
 c :  7.42111905430210E-01  -8.43600919001218E-01
solution 18 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  1.27823336679066E+00  -3.62196295718933E-01
 v :  1.06543293971761E-01   1.37138625319231E+00
 w : -1.19855924027337E+00  -2.64366892470786E-01
 b : -3.71829766104279E-01  -6.44680546051179E-01
 a :  9.90296452129201E-01   1.14040771208258E+00
 c : -6.34654126679054E-01   7.92954343294349E-01
solution 19 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  5.89705725101541E-01  -2.90001980173402E-01
 v : -1.19082798119433E+00  -1.76827338344893E-01
 w :  4.89548128177859E-02  -8.07992351832800E-01
 b :  2.83032947383008E-02  -1.55114471071632E-01
 a : -1.17249404355289E+00   1.34362499588689E+00
 c : -4.57519447280589E-03  -1.54671012463530E-01
solution 20 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u : -9.31243087838555E-01  -1.48297014732051E+00
 v : -1.21827432050118E+00   1.34603172805940E+00
 w : -1.63845991686697E+00  -1.57971633634090E-01
 b : -3.44908186218446E-01   8.40108707961715E-02
 a :  4.99368784063559E-02  -5.10490301443037E-01
 c : -8.66137676069745E-01  -5.18270718255192E-01
solution 21 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  6.72710252357910E-01  -1.18738873511645E+00
 v : -1.37130629305279E+00   5.22010522768434E-01
 w : -1.30358292920794E+00  -1.16187843260539E+00
 b :  1.33452091031905E-01  -2.44729817060838E-01
 a :  1.81360059075152E-01   1.15583079105601E-01
 c :  6.15145855765670E-01  -9.03693200269731E-01
solution 22 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u : -1.68430599421000E+00   5.91162509707962E-01
 v : -1.02136879457992E+00  -1.59251012521063E+00
 w : -7.95982347689153E-01   7.92532133558964E-01
 b : -3.05059177266336E-01  -8.82458342963160E-01
 a : -2.49519496357465E+00  -1.19867108845481E+00
 c : -2.24750470979434E+00  -6.26331959724671E-01
solution 23 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u : -1.01204443449627E+00   4.96290861092031E-02
 v :  6.56116328038082E-01   5.22936247975929E-01
 w : -4.65641223666886E-01   6.28982477383803E-01
 b :  1.25632201664186E-01   3.28115188291999E-01
 a : -1.27538605287322E-01  -1.43292806597813E+00
 c : -3.43566992761562E-01  -6.79212882999765E-01
solution 24 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  1.93226092557007E+00   3.24887294348267E-01
 v :  2.52581189059373E-01  -1.59904811705069E+00
 w :  4.07871828406162E-01  -5.48891915851033E-01
 b : -7.14713432021400E-01   3.14401510171428E-01
 a :  6.13544860297154E-01   1.90350772206065E+00
 c :  2.24214398089609E+00  -2.04702950667376E+00
solution 25 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  9.43646174421106E-01   2.51083322418195E-01
 v : -4.65247215624364E-01   2.33115598490197E-01
 w : -3.65807620073295E-01   3.51215848152526E-01
 b :  1.27199854824884E+00  -1.85705217376488E-01
 a :  1.70077015242226E-01  -3.32761916466091E-01
 c : -4.58616003820445E-01  -6.08839310588357E-01
solution 26 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u : -9.40131191267895E+00   9.43577945927668E+00
 v : -3.07566087881007E+00   7.57530656983866E+00
 w : -1.18112302877029E+01  -9.48315943127199E+00
 b : -1.27022189309652E-01  -9.77728383616573E-01
 a : -2.13316938067608E-01  -4.36343294396374E-01
 c :  5.56981768875841E-01  -4.64851988107948E-01
solution 27 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  2.26854788653352E+00   4.71421351581676E-02
 v : -8.06981386200876E-01  -2.35132108199532E+00
 w :  1.55060840287238E+00  -1.29266456541745E+00
 b :  1.07728517433545E-01   2.68583390463192E+00
 a :  1.43408725852707E-01   1.36295753614620E+00
 c : -1.67248285845161E+00  -3.45735608456975E-01
solution 28 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  1.27823336679066E+00   3.62196295718932E-01
 v :  1.06543293971760E-01  -1.37138625319232E+00
 w : -1.19855924027337E+00   2.64366892470786E-01
 b : -3.71829766104279E-01   6.44680546051179E-01
 a :  9.90296452129201E-01  -1.14040771208258E+00
 c : -6.34654126679054E-01  -7.92954343294348E-01
solution 29 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  2.71998701995170E-01   2.04630056591144E-34
 v :  9.58363651873230E-01  -1.38426214752833E-34
 w :  8.69242019298910E-02   6.50001356230692E-34
 b :  1.91410922327508E+00   2.11852293882596E-33
 a :  6.88608640671698E-01   2.02222644160660E-33
 c : -2.06477465557281E+00   6.49249039846166E-34
solution 30 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  3.55768395958752E-01  -2.18952885050753E-47
 v :  9.00177312485486E-01  -1.64214663788064E-47
 w :  2.51216350031888E-01  -3.83167548838817E-47
 b :  2.58887086970417E+00  -3.28429327576129E-47
 a :  1.29357984044774E+00  -5.47382212626882E-47
 c : -1.97288916677775E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
solution 31 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u : -2.19695095140812E-01   3.01931388625790E-01
 v : -5.24317415821520E-01   2.52603481196644E-01
 w : -9.36406827254043E-01  -2.12276591598107E-01
 b :  9.94132017299192E-01  -7.70434015823508E-01
 a :  3.33915665645130E-01  -5.42494853228183E-01
 c :  1.38714665405798E-01  -5.50106733094178E-01
solution 32 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  6.72710252357909E-01   1.18738873511645E+00
 v : -1.37130629305279E+00  -5.22010522768434E-01
 w : -1.30358292920794E+00   1.16187843260539E+00
 b :  1.33452091031906E-01   2.44729817060838E-01
 a :  1.81360059075152E-01  -1.15583079105601E-01
 c :  6.15145855765670E-01   9.03693200269731E-01
solution 33 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  2.26854788653352E+00  -4.71421351581688E-02
 v : -8.06981386200876E-01   2.35132108199533E+00
 w :  1.55060840287238E+00   1.29266456541745E+00
 b :  1.07728517433543E-01  -2.68583390463192E+00
 a :  1.43408725852706E-01  -1.36295753614620E+00
 c : -1.67248285845161E+00   3.45735608456976E-01
solution 34 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  1.51987721593376E+00   6.13543376113679E-01
 v : -7.97487999239977E-01   1.25071829236840E+00
 w :  2.49669498483210E-01   2.60032685794114E-01
 b : -2.53308850339874E-02   2.14855027201373E-02
 a : -1.81540173225660E+00  -7.55999307364568E-01
 c :  3.52648767281108E-01   1.19654364408195E+00
solution 35 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  7.63857299844424E-01   8.91014168859145E+00
 v : -1.00616426215060E+01   6.63799480857642E-01
 w :  2.77562209077787E-02  -4.58144583768801E+00
 b : -5.26936654788125E-02  -5.72894310954579E-01
 a : -7.45178566211849E-01   1.01449931495220E+00
 c :  7.42111905430205E-01   8.43600919001220E-01
solution 36 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  1.27446691144164E+00   2.68411604281600E-02
 v :  8.94854564010672E-03   7.78247673313379E-01
 w : -1.82103863107716E-01   2.26092708587871E-01
 b : -1.40066880461282E+00   8.85666908643005E-01
 a : -1.77218355694335E-01  -1.51645397837783E+00
 c :  2.78994239732247E+00  -5.82195969543695E-01
solution 37 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u : -9.31243087838555E-01   1.48297014732051E+00
 v : -1.21827432050118E+00  -1.34603172805940E+00
 w : -1.63845991686697E+00   1.57971633634089E-01
 b : -3.44908186218445E-01  -8.40108707961711E-02
 a :  4.99368784063559E-02   5.10490301443038E-01
 c : -8.66137676069745E-01   5.18270718255192E-01
solution 38 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  9.07270006685084E-01   3.41778589922979E-01
 v : -4.89788950329534E-01   1.66359598069708E-01
 w : -5.22429027916172E-01   4.37579763820313E-01
 b :  1.07823410788788E+00  -2.42863998458268E-01
 a :  1.47911705365308E-01  -3.78076453120830E-01
 c : -3.75761229258120E-01  -6.49954252770413E-01
solution 39 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  1.67830540988267E+00  -1.78588018271916E+00
 v :  2.90929982547190E-01   4.36893377085222E+00
 w : -4.52998982844723E+00  -3.81060137379527E-01
 b : -9.61202778351525E-01   1.54796228969244E+00
 a :  2.72692577954433E+00  -1.37721853152080E+00
 c : -1.55195110085469E+00  -2.50574584504199E+00
solution 40 :
t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
m : 1
the solution for t :
 u :  9.07270006685084E-01  -3.41778589922979E-01
 v : -4.89788950329534E-01  -1.66359598069708E-01
 w : -5.22429027916172E-01  -4.37579763820313E-01
 b :  1.07823410788788E+00   2.42863998458268E-01
 a :  1.47911705365308E-01   3.78076453120830E-01
 c : -3.75761229258121E-01   6.49954252770413E-01