Web Links on Cellular Automata and Simulation
The Santa Fe Institute
A comprehensive source on artifical life and links to the study of cellular automata.
Frequently Asked Questions about Cellular Automata
Maxis home page
Manufacturers of Sim City; links to Sim City lists
Cal tech course
includes trial automata
Bibliography on Cellular Automata
over 500 titles, includes Bibtex info
Chatterbots, Tinymuds, and the Turing Test
Alan Turing - Home Page
Searle's Chinese Room Argument
many accessible pieces under articles about Wolfram or his articles "articles of general interest"
Simulation with cellular automata
- includes simulating traffic
Congestion Map
-EECS traffic simulation
Simulation of accidents for lawsuits
Introductory tutorial with many examples
genetic algorithms faq
Simulations in business
Look at the entry: papers
Some very specific examples
History, Sociology, Geology
Do one of the exercises
preventing repetitive stress syndrome; see especicially: Computer Related Ergonomics