Midwest Partial Differential Equations Seminar

University Illinois at Chicago
April 11 -13, 2003
Application for Financial Support

Young researchers - graduate students and postdoctoral fellows - may request partial financial support to attend the Midwest PDE Seminar. Please return the application before March 24, 2003.
Social Security No.:
If applicable, visa status:
E-mail address:

Thesis/Research Adviser(s):

Please describe briefly (200 words or less) your research interests and progress.

Nonresidents: If you are not a US citizen or permanent resident, please see Midwest PDE Reimbursement Checklist for requirements.

Please return before March 24, 2003, via email to jlewis@uic.edu or mail to:
       Prof. Jeff E. Lewis Attention: Midwest PDE
       Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science (M/C 249)
       University of Illinois at Chicago
       851 South Morgan
       Chicago, IL  60607-7045
The 51st Midwest Partial Differential Equations Seminar is partially funded by the National Science Foundation, the University of Illinois at Chicago Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, and the Lewis Mathematics Seminar Fund.