Quiz 4

Problem Statement:

It was another fine morning at Kinokuniya (the bookstore where Raphael works part-time). Raphael's employer was very happy with the program that he submitted thanks to your help and promised him a bonus if he also is able to manage the long queues to the register. The employer wants to be able to:

  1. Add new people to the back of the queue,
  2. Print the name of the person in the front, and remove him/her from the front of the queue,
  3. Search for a specific person in the queue,
  4. Print the entire queue.
  5. Being the diligent worker he is, Raphael has already started writing code for this. He has started implementing a linked list in C++, and has written functions for 1 and 4. Help him finish the implementation by writing functions for 2 and 3. His code is available here. Refer to the comments in the .cpp file for his outline on how he thinks you should implement functions 2 and 3.


    This quiz asks you to basically implement linked lists using C-type code. I used it as a first-time introduction to linked lists.
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    typedef struct node
    	string name;
    	struct node* next;
    } node_t;
     * Function to take a name and add a new node to the list given by node_t* head. 
     * It returns back the updated list.
     * -----
    node_t* add_to_end(string name_to_add, node_t* head)
    	node_t* newNode = new node_t;
    	newNode->name = name_to_add;
    	newNode->next = NULL;
    	if(head == NULL) // If the list is empty
    		head = newNode;
    	else // If the list is already populated, traverse to the end of the list and add newNode there.
    		node_t* p = head;
    			p = p->next;
    		p->next = newNode;
    	return head;
     * Function to print the name of the person at front, and remove him/her from the list. 
     * This function should not do anything if the list is empty.
     * It should update head, and return back head.
     * -----
    node_t* remove_from_front(node_t* head)
    	if(head == NULL)
    		cout << "List is empty!" << endl;
    		return NULL;
    		cout << "Person at front: " << head->name << endl;
    		node_t* p = head;	// Keep a copy of head before deleting it!
    		head = head->next;	// Change head node
    		delete p;
    	return head;
     *  Function to search for a specific person in the list node_t* head.
     *  If said person is found, function should return the position of this person from the front.
     *  If said person is not found, function should return -1.
     *  -----
    int search_for_person(string searchName, node_t* head)
    	node_t* p = head;
    	int position = 1;
    		if(p->name == searchName)
    			cout << "Person " << searchName << " found at position " << position << " in the queue!\n";
    			return position;
    		p = p->next;
    	// If we reach here, that means the while loop has ended without the function terminating. This means searchName was not found in the list.
    	return -1;	
    // Function to print the entire contents of the queue
    void print_queue(node_t* head)
    	if(head == NULL)
    		cout << "List is empty!" << endl;
    	cout << "The current list is:\n";
    	node_t* p = head;
    		cout << p->name << endl;
    		p = p->next;
    int main()
    	node_t* head = NULL;
    	head = add_to_end("TestPerson1",head);
    	head = add_to_end("TestPerson2",head);
    	cout << "Searching for TestPerson2:" << search_for_person("TestPerson2", head)<<endl;
    	cout << "Removing one person from the front!\n"; 
    	head = remove_from_front(head);
    	return 0;