About Me
I am a fifth year math graduate student at UIC. My advisor is Izzet Coskun. Here is my cv. I am interested algebraic geometry, especially on rationality questions and on moduli spaces of sheaves. Previously, I did my undergraduate at University of Washington and have also spent some time at Cambridge.
Contact Me
You can email me at slou2@uic.edu. My office is at SEO 401.
- Threefolds containing all curves are rationally connected (arxiv, submitted) Comments and suggestions welcome.
- Fall 2024: Math 109: College Algebra Workshop
- Summer 2024: SEMW Math 110
- Spring 2024: Math 180: Calculus I
- Fall 2023: Math 210: Calculus III, Grading for Math516
- Summer 2023: SEMW Math 110
- Spring 2023: Math 181: Calculus II
- Fall 2022: Math 180: Calculus I
- Summer 2022: Math 181: Calculus II
- Spring 2022: Math 180: Calculus I
- Fall 2021: Math 110: College Algebra