(Samantha) Min Winton

Email: swint11 at uic dot edu

I'm a first-year PhD student in pure mathematics at the University of Illinois Chicago. I graduated with a Bachelors of Arts in Mathematics and Asian Languages and Civilizations at Amherst College in 2023. I'm broadly interested in group theory, representation theory, and Lie theory.

Papers and Preprints

β-Arboreal Galois groups of cubic polynomials with colliding critical points, with Robert L. Benedetto, William DeGroot, Xinyu Ni, Jesse Seid, Annie Wei. [arXiv:2404.04034]

Conferences and Workshops

Perhaps we met here before?

August 31, 2023: Provost's Annual Retreat on Teaching and Learning at Amherst College, Rigor as Inclusive Practice

January 4-7, 2023: Joint Mathematics Meetings in Boston

Outreach and Mentorship

Math Circles of Chicago: This year, I started as a teacher for Math Circles of Chicago, a free after-school math program for Chicago-area kids of grades 3-12.


This fall, I am a Teaching Assistant for MATH 125 Linear Algebra with Business Applications.

Here is a simple list of previous courses I've TA'd for at Amherst College, both as a student and full-time in the 2023-2024 academic year:

  • Introduction to Real Analysis
  • Groups, Rings, and Fields
  • Graph Theory
  • Mathematical Reasoning and Proof
  • Linear Algebra
  • Intermediate Calculus
  • Introduction to Calculus

Just for Fun

Art: I like to write, draw, and make textile crafts! Come back soon to see my projects.


my cat, Aubergine, playing with an orange mouse


Naima Nader

Dane Meade

The template is by Vasilios Mavroudis. Thanks!