Week 1
intro to class, went over syllabus, LaTeX, criticized Assignment 0
Week 2
group discussions of one of the following papers: Niven's proof of the irrationality of pi, Zagier's one line proof, or Mantel's Theorem
Week 3
worked through this proof as a class
Week 4
we worked in groups to understand one of the three papers from week 2 (see above). understanding comes when you feel like you could more or less communicate the proof to someone who has not read it
Week 5
dissected Joke 1.1 from Aluffi's Algebra: Chapter 0 (found on page 41) to determine whether or not it is funny
Week 6
looked at and discussed the various ways textbooks introduce the idea of an equivalence relation
Week 7
read one of the following three textbook introductions: Game Theory, Noiseless Coding, and Projective Plane.
Week 8
explained the topics from the previous week to one another
Week 9
we read and discussed this blog post by Tim Gowers as a work of mathematical exposition
Week 10
NO CLASS. Optional Individual Meetings in SEO 633 to discuss what you might propose as a paper in our meeting in Week 11. Sign Up Here
Week 11
NO CLASS. individual meetings this week about paper proposal. sign up here
Week 12
Class on Monday only! Guest Speaker Jeremy Kun. Please read the four blog posts about google ranking starting here. I will have office hours from 2pm - 3pm in SEO 633 on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Please come talk to me about your paper if you haven't already or if you want to.
Week 13
NO CLASS. Office hours everyday in SEO 633 from 2pm to 3pm. Please work on your research papers and come see me if you have any questions.
Week 14
No Class. Work on your papers and have a great thanksgiving. Office hours from 2-3 in SEO 633 on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
Week 15
NO CLASS. individual meetings this week about rough draft. sign up here.
Finals Week
no class, obv, but your final paper is due Friday, December 12th at 5:00pm