Program Information

Overview: MAGGC is a conference for graduate students in algebraic geometry. MAGGC is a fantastic place for students to present and share their research with their peers. This year the conference will take place at UIC on March 15-17, 2019.

We are honoured to have Benjamin Bakker as our plenary speaker.

Abstract/Poster Submissions: If you are interested in giving a talk or poster, please fill out this form in addition to the registration form. Talks will be 50 minutes long with time for questions. We welcome submissions in algebraic geometry and related fields, including (but not limited to) complex geometry, commutative algebra, representation theory, and number theory.

Funding: We have limited funding. While we expect to cover accommodation for all participants, we encourage that the participants find their own funding for travel. For questions about funding or the conference in general, please email

The deadline for funding is February 18, 2019.


Food: On Saturday and Sunday morning before the lectures, there will be some beverages (coffee, tea, juice) and refreshments (fruit, pastries) provided.