click for PVM Fortran Receive & Timer Test Source Code:
click for C Microsecond Wall Timer Function Source Code:
click for T3D PVM Fortran Receive& Timer Test Output:
(The NQS Job Script is Meant for Executing any Fortran Code Names `pgm.f',
so all you need to do for this recvtime.f example is copy the `pgmt.job',
`recvtime.f' and `timeofday.c' to your C90 account; copy the fortran source
code `cp recvtime.f pgm.f';
enter `qsub pgmt.job' on the C90 command line;
`qstat -a' until "no batch queue entries" found;
then `vi pgm.output'.)
PVM Fortran Generic NQS Job Script Example:
click for Fortran PVM NQS T3D Generic Job Script:
(This NQS Job Script is Meant for Executing any Fortran Code Names `pgm.f',
so all you need to do is copy your fortran code
`cp [yourfile].f pgm.f';
enter `qsub pgm.job' on the C90 command line;
`qstat -a' until "no batch queue entries" found;
then `vi pgm.output'.)
PVM C Generic NQS Job Script Example:
click for C Version of PVM NQS T3D Generic Job Script:
(This NQS Job Script is Meant for Executing any CC Code Names `cpgm.c';
just `cp [yourfile].c cpgm.c';
'qsub cpgm.job' on C90 Command line;
`qstat -a' until "no batch queue entries" found;
then `vi cpgm.output'.)
PVM Fortran Receive Example:
click for PVM Fortran Receive Test Source Code:
(Copy `cp recvtest.f pgm.f' and Use `qsub pgm.job' Above on C90 to Execute;
Output Will be Found in `pgm.output'. Caution: T3D PVM Fortran codes use 8 byte
integers since that is the default for the Cray `integer' declaration, so
`INTEGER8' type must be used in PVMF pack and unpack functions in place of the
nonCray standard `INTEGER4' type.)
PVM C Receive Example:
click for PVM C Receive Test Source Code
(Caution: broken with stdC change, so use crecvtemp.c):
click for T3D PVM C Receive Test Output (Obsolete):
click for PVM C Receive Test Source Code
(Temporary Fix):
click for T3D PVM C Receive Test Output (Temporary Fix):
(Copy `cp crecvtest.c cpgm.c' and Use `qsub cpgm.job' Above on C90 to
Execute; Output Will be Found in `cpgm.output'. Caution: T3D PVM C codes
need `#include statement.)
PVM Fortran Laplace Class Example:
click for Fortran PVM Laplace Source Code: