Object Oriented Programming

Object oriented programming is a method of implementation in which

  1. programs are organized as cooperative collections of objects,
  2. each of which represents an instance of some class,
  3. and whose classes are all members of a hierarchy of classes united via inheritance relationships.

Objects — not algorithms — are the building blocks.

OOP has applications in the development of larger programs; and in graphical user interfaces.

We illustrate the application of OOP in Python on the problem of evaluating Boolean expressions.

Evaluating Boolean Expressions

A Boolean expression is defined by

  • a string with a valid logical expression; and
  • a list of strings: the variables in the expression.

The script boolean.py exports the class Boolean.

>>> from boolean import Boolean
>>> bxp = Boolean('(x or y) and not z', ['x', 'y', 'z'])

The variable bxp refers to an instance of the class Boolean. The data attributes are form and vars, accessible as

>>> bxp.form
'(x or y) and not z'
>>> bxp.vars
['x', 'y', 'z']

When we define a class, we start with the data attributes. The data attributes in a class are defined by the constructor, overriding the __init__() method.

class Boolean(object):
    Defines Boolean expressions as callable objects.
    def __init__(self, formula, variables):
        Stores a formula as a string and a list of
        variables that appear in the formula.
        self.form = formula
        self.vars = variables

The self refers to the instance, to bxp in the example:

>>> bxp = Boolean('(x or y) and not z', ['x', 'y', 'z'])

The next step in the definition of a class is the definition of the string representation. The method __str__() defines the string representation of an object. The string representation defines the outcome of print:

>>> print(bxp)

The variables in '(x or y) and not z' are ['x', 'y', 'z']. If we want to obtain the string that represents the object, then we apply the method __str__() to the object.

>>> str(bxp)
"The variables in '(x or y) and not z' are ['x', 'y', 'z']."

The representation of an object is defined by __repr__() which for our example equals the string representation:

>>> bxp
The variables in '(x or y) and not z' are ['x', 'y', 'z'].

The methods __str__() and __repr__() are defined below:

def __str__(self):
    Returns the string representation of the expression.
    result = 'The variables in \'' + self.form + '\' are '
    result = result + str(self.vars) + '.'
    return result

def __repr__(self):
    Returns the representation of the expression.
    return str(self)

Classes can define objects that are as functions. Such objects are callable. An instance such as bxp of the class Boolean is callable if we can evaluate the object, for example:

>>> bxp(6)
>>> bxp([1, 1, 0])

The argument 6 is short for [1, 1, 0], as \(6_{10} = 110_{2}\). The list of bits provides values for the variables:

>>> (x, y, z) = [1, 1, 0]
>>> (x, y, z)
(1, 1, 0)

Then we can evaluate a Boolean expression with eval:

>>> e = '(x or y) and not z'
>>> eval(e)

Note that the eval is a built-in function of Python.

The problem when we want to apply the eval in the definition of the class that we do not know the names of the variables, because the names of the variables are known only when a particular object has been defined.

If var is a string, then we cannot assign directly to the variable with name defined by the string var.

The function locals() returns a dictionary

  • the keys are the names of the local variables; and
  • the values are the corresponding variables.

Consider, the regular assignment:

>>> var = 'x'

After var = 'x', the dictionary locals() contains var: 'x'.

>>> locals()
{ ... , 'var': 'x', ... }

With the locals(), we can perform assignments indirectly. To make an assignment to 'x', we can now do

>>> locals()[var] = 1
>>> x
>>> locals()[var]
>>> var

The variable var still refers to 'x'.

>>> locals()[var] = 0
>>> x
>>> locals()[var]
>>> var

Now we can continue with the definition of the class. An object is callable if it is an instance of a class with a defined __call__() method.

def __call__(self, values):
    Evaluates the expression at the list of values.
    The length of the list must equal the number
    of variables.
    for k in range(len(values)):
        var = self.vars[k]
        locals()[var] = values[k]
    result = eval(self.form)
    return int(result)

In the loop, var refers to a name of a variable which occurs in the Boolean expression, as stored as a data attribute, in the list vars.

Recall that we want to evaluate bxp in two ways:

>>> bxp(6)
>>> bxp([1, 1, 0])

We can use the isinstance()

>>> L = [1, 1, 0]
>>> isinstance(L, list)
>>> n = 6
>>> isinstance(n, list)

Now we extend the code for the evaluation:

def __call__(self, values):
    Evaluates the expression at the list of values.
    The length of the list must equal the number
    of variables.
    if isinstance(values, list):
    elif isinstance(values, int):
        print('argument must be list or number')
        return None
    result = eval(self.form)
    return int(result)

The file with the class definition contains a main function which runs a test. The output of the test is as follows:

$ python boolean.py
Give an expression : (x or y) and not z
Give names of variables : x y z
The variables in '(x or y) and not z' are ['x', 'y', 'z'].
The truth table of '(x or y) and not z' is
[0, 0, 0] 0
[0, 0, 1] 0
[0, 1, 0] 1
[0, 1, 1] 0
[1, 0, 0] 1
[1, 0, 1] 0
[1, 1, 0] 1
[1, 1, 1] 0

The main function prints the truth table of the Boolean expression.

def main():
    Prints the truth table of a boolean expression.
    exstr = input('Give an expression : ')
    names = input('Give names of variables : ')
    nvars = names.split(' ')
    bxp = Boolean(exstr, nvars)
    print('The truth table of \'%s\' is' % bxp.form)
    for k in range(2**len(nvars)):
        print(bxp.bits(k), bxp(k))

if __name__ == "__main__":


As an example of inheritance, we will define a class Vector, which will inherit from the array type.

We can create new classes from existing classes. These new classes are derived from base classes. The derived class inherits the attributes of the base class and usually contains additional attributes. Inheritance is a powerful mechanism to reuse software. To control complexity, we add extra features later.

We distinguish between single and multiple inheritance:

  • single: a derived class inherits from only one class;
  • multiple: derivation from multiple different classes.

Multiple inheritance may lead to name clashes, in case the parents have methods with same name.

As an example, we define the Vector class, which inherits from the array type. A vector is

  • an array of numbers, the data;
  • with operations, for example: addition.

Inheriting from the class array, the vector class

  • comes equipped with an efficient representation of a sequence of basic numerical values;
  • operations like indexing are inherited, so we can do a = v[k] and v[k] = a for any vector v and value a of the same type of entries as v;
  • we can wrap the complicated buffer_info(), to obtain the size of a vector.

The definition of the class Vector starts as follows.

from array import array as Array

class Vector(Array):
    Defines a Vector of numbers,
    using an object from the class array.
    def __init__(self, datatype, *data):
        The datatype is a one letter string,
        of one of the characters supported
        by the class array.
        The optional data can be a list of
        elements to initialize the vector with.
        Array.__init__(datatype, data)

Wrapping or encapsulation is one of the applications of inheritance. Recall the buffer_info() method on an array object.

def dimension(self):
    Returns the dimension of the vector,
    wrapping the complicated buffer_info().
    return self.buffer_info()[1]

Because the Vector class inherits from array, we can also apply the buffer_info on an object instantiated from Vector. The new dimension() method hides the complicated indexing of buffer_info().

The string representation is defined below.

def __str__(self):
    Returns the string representation.
    dim = self.dimension()
    result = '['
    for k in range(dim):
        result += '%3d' % self[k]
        if k < dim-1:
            result += ', '
    result += ']'
    return result

Observe the use of the dimension() method and the indexing self[k].

To overload the addition operator, we define the following function:

def __add__(self, other):
    Defines the addition of two vectors,
    both must be of the same dimension,
    and must be of the same data type.
    dim = self.dimension()
    result = Vector(self.typecode)
    for k in range(dim):
        result.append(self[k] + other[k])
    return result

We can also overload other arithmetical operators. Table Table 2 gives an overview of the comparison operators.

Table 2 comparison operators and methods
comparison operation operator method
equality == __eq__
inequality != __ne__
less than < __lt__
greater than > __gt__
less or equal <= __le__
greater or equal >= __ge__

Table Table 3 gives an overview of the arithmetical methods.

Table 3 arithmetical operators and methods
arithmetical operation operator method
negation - __neg__
addition + __add__
inplace addition += __iadd__
reflected addition + __radd__
subtraction - __sub__
inplace subtraction -= __isub__
reflected subtraction -= __rsub__
multiplication * __mul__
inplace multiplication *= __imul__
reflected multiplication * __rmul__
division / __div__
inplace division /= __idiv__
reflected division /= __rdiv__
invert ~ __invert__
power ** __pow__

To test the constructor we generate random vectors with the following function:

def random_vector(dim):
    Returns a vector of the given dimension dim,
    with 2-digit random integers.
    from random import randint
    items = [randint(10, 99) for _ in range(dim)]
    return Vector('l', items)

The following function test the indexing.

def test_indexing(vec):
    Interactive test on the indexing,
    for a given vector vec.
    Because Vector inherits from array,
    we inherits the indexing operator,
    both for selecting and assigning.
    dim = vec.dimension()
    idx = int(input('Give an index < %d :' % dim))
    val = int(input('Give a value : '))
    vec[idx] = val
    print('vec[%d] : %d' % (idx, val))
    print('the vector :', vec)

The function to test the addition is below:

def test_addition(dim):
    Tests the addition of two random vectors,
    of the given dimension dim.
    aaa = random_vector(dim)
    bbb = random_vector(dim)
    ccc = aaa + bbb
    print('  A =', aaa)
    print('  B =', bbb)
    print('A+B =', ccc)

The main program in the script vector.py is

def main():
    Prompts the user for the dimension
    and tests the operations in Vector.
    dim = int(input("Give the number of elements : "))
    vec = random_vector(dim)
    print('dimension :', vec.dimension())
    print('typecode :', vec.typecode)
    print('the vector :', vec)

if __name__ == "__main__":


  1. Instead of an explicit loop to compute the binary expansion of a positive integer number, consider bin(). Write a function that uses a number as input argument and that returns a list of zeros and ones, which represents the binary expansion of the input argument. Apply bin() and list comprehensions.
  2. The multiplication of two vectors \(x\) and \(y\) is defined by the inner product: \(x \star y = x_0 y_0 + x_1 y_1 + \cdots + x_{n-1} y_{n-1}\). Add the inner product operation to the vector class, overriding __mul__().
  3. Inheriting from the class array, define a class Poly to represent a polynomial in one variable. The array stores the coefficients of the polynomial. Write the constructor for Poly.
  4. Extend the previous exercise so any object p of the class Poly is callable, that is: for a number z, the expression p(z) returns the value of the polynomial p evaluated at z.
  5. Describe the design of a class Matrix, which stores a matrix as a list of arrays. Write the constructor for this class Matrix.