Disk Based Parallelism

We covered distributed memory and shared memory parallelism as two separate technologies. Adding a software layer on top of message passing, as the software roomy does, provides the parallel programmer with a vast random access memory.

The Disk is the new RAM

When is random access memory not large enough? For the context of this lecture, we consider big data applications. In applications with huge volumes of data, the bottleneck is not the number of arithmetical operations. The disk is the new RAM. Roomy is a software library that allows to treat disk as Random Access Memory. An application of Roomy concerns the determination of the minimal number of moves to solve Rubik’s cube.

In parallel disk-based computation, instead of Random Access Memory, we use disks as the main working memory of a computation. This gives much more space for the same price. There are at least two performance issues for which we give solutions.

  1. Bandwidth: the bandwidth of a disk is roughly 50 times less than RAM (100 MB/s versus 5 GB/s). The solution is to use many disks in parallel.
  2. Latency: even worse, the latency of disk is many orders of magnitude worse than RAM. The solution to avoid latency penalties is to use streaming access.

As an example we take the pancake sorting problem. Given a stack of n numbered pancakes, at the left of Fig. 63. A spatula can reverse the order of the top k pancakes for \(2 \leq k \leq n\).


Fig. 63 Sorting a pile of pancakes with flips.

The sort happened with 4 flips:

  1. k = 2
  2. k = 4
  3. k = 3
  4. k = 2

The question we ask it the following: How many flips (prefix reversals) are sufficient to sort?

To understand this question we introduce the pancake sorting graph. We generate all permutations using the flips, as in Fig. 64.


Fig. 64 Permutations generated by flips.

There are 3 stacks that require 1 flip. 4! = 24 permutations, \(24 = 1 + 3 + 6 + 11 + 3\), at most 4 flips are needed for a stack of 4 pancakes.

A breadth first search, running the program pancake, its output is displayed below:

$ mpiexec -np 2 ./pancake
Sun Mar  4 13:24:44 2012: BEGINNING 11 PANCAKE BFS
Sun Mar  4 13:24:44 2012: Initial one-bit RoomyArray constructed
Sun Mar  4 13:24:44 2012: Level 0 done: 1 elements
Sun Mar  4 13:24:44 2012: Level 1 done: 10 elements
Sun Mar  4 13:24:44 2012: Level 2 done: 90 elements
Sun Mar  4 13:24:44 2012: Level 3 done: 809 elements
Sun Mar  4 13:24:44 2012: Level 4 done: 6429 elements
Sun Mar  4 13:24:44 2012: Level 5 done: 43891 elements
Sun Mar  4 13:24:45 2012: Level 6 done: 252737 elements
Sun Mar  4 13:24:49 2012: Level 7 done: 1174766 elements
Sun Mar  4 13:25:04 2012: Level 8 done: 4126515 elements
Sun Mar  4 13:25:45 2012: Level 9 done: 9981073 elements
Sun Mar  4 13:26:48 2012: Level 10 done: 14250471 elements
Sun Mar  4 13:27:37 2012: Level 11 done: 9123648 elements
Sun Mar  4 13:27:53 2012: Level 12 done: 956354 elements
Sun Mar  4 13:27:54 2012: Level 13 done: 6 elements
Sun Mar  4 13:27:54 2012: Level 14 done: 0 elements
Sun Mar  4 13:27:54 2012: ONE-BIT PANCAKE BFS DONE
Sun Mar  4 13:27:54 2012: Elapsed time: 3 m, 10 s, 536 ms, 720 us

How many flips to sort a stack of 11 pancakes? \(11 \times 10 \times 9 \times 8 \times 7 \times 6 \times 5 \times 4 \times 3 \times 2 = 39,916,800\).

Table 22 Number of flips to sort 11 pancakes.
#moves #stacks
0 1
1 10
2 90
3 809
4 6429
5 43891
6 252737
7 1174766
8 4126515
9 9981073
10 14250471
11 9123648
12 956354
13 6
total 39916800

So we find that at most 13 moves are needed for a stack of 11 pancakes.

Roomy: A System for Space Limited Computations

Roomy is a new programming model that extends a programming language with transparent disk-based computing supports; It an open source C/C++ library implementing this new programming language extension; available at sourceforge; written by Daniel Kunkle in the lab of Gene Cooperman.

Roomy has been applied to problems in computational group theory, and large enumerations, e.g.: Rubik’s cube can be solved in 26 moves or less.

Example: 50-node cluster with 200GB disk space per computer gives 10TB per computer. Bandwidth of one disk: 100MB/s, bandwidth of 50 disks in parallel: 5GB/s So, the 10TB disk space is considered as RAM.

Some caveats remain. Disk latency remains limiting. Use old-fashioned RAM as cache. If disk is the new RAM, RAM is the new cache. Networks must restructured to emphasize local access over network access.

The Roomy programming programming model

  1. provides basic data structures: arrays, lists, and hash tables; transparently distributes data structures across many disks and
  2. performs operations on that data in parallel;
  3. immediately process streaming access operators;
  4. delays processing random operators until they can be performed efficiently in batch.

For example: collecting and sorting updates to an array. We introduce some programming concepts of Roomy. The first programming construct we consider is map.

RoomyArray* ra;
RoomyList* rl;
// Function to map over ra.
void mapFunc ( uint64 i, void* val )

int main ( int argc, char **argv )
   ra = RoomyArray_makeBytes("array",sizeof(uint64),100);
   rl = RoomyList_make("list",sizeof(uint64));
   RoomyArray_map(ra,mapFunc); // execute map
   RoomyList_sync(rl); // synchronize list for delayed ads

The next programming construct is reduce. Computing for example the sum of squares of the elements in a RoomyList:

RoomyList* rl;  // elements of type int

// add square of an element to sum
void mergeElt ( int* sum, int* element )
   *sum += (*e) * (*e);

// compute sum of two partial answers
void mergeResults ( int * sum1, int* sum2 )
    *sum1 += *sum2;
int sum = 0;

Another programming construct is the predicate. Predicates count the number of elements in a data structure that satisfy a Boolean function.

RoomyList* rl;

// predicate: return 1 if element is greater than 42
uint8 predFunc ( int* val )
   return (*val > 42) ? 1 : 0;


uint64 gt42 = RoomyList predicateCount(rl,predFunc);

The next programming construct we illustrate is permutation multiplication. For permutations X, Y, Z on N elements length N do Z = X*Y as for i=0 to N-1: Z[i] = Y[X[i]].

RoomyArray *X, *Y, *Z;
// access X[i]
void accessX ( unit64 i, uint64* x_i)
   RoomyArray_access(Y, *x_i,&i, accessY);
// access Y[X[i]]
void accessY ( uint64 x_i, uint64* y_x_i, uint64* i )
// set Z[i] = Y[X[i]]
void setZ ( uint64, i, uint64* z_i, uint64* y_x_i, uint64* z_i_NEW )
   *z_i_NEW = *y_x_i;
RoomyArray_map(X,accessX); // access X[i]
RoomyArray_sync(Y);        // access Y[X[i]]
RoomyArray_sync(Z);        // set Z[i] = Y[X[i]]

Roomy supports set operations as programming construct. Convert list to set:

RoomyList *A; // can contain duplicates
RoomyList_removeDupes(A); // is a set

Union of two sets \(A \cup B\):

RoomyList *A, *B;

Difference of two sets \(A \setminus B\):

RoomyList *A, *B;

The intersection \(A \cap B\) is implemented as \((A \cup B) \setminus (A \setminus B) \setminus (B \setminus A)\).

The last programming construct we consider is breadth-first search. Initializing the search:

// Lists of all elements, current, and next level
RoomyList* all = RoomyList_make("allLev",eltSize);
RoomyList* cur = RoomyList_make("lev0",eltSize);
RoomyList* next = Roomy_list_Make("lev1",eltSize);

// Function to produce next level from current
void genNext ( T elt )
   // user defined code to compute neighbors ...
   for nbr in neighbors
// add start element

Performing the search is shown below:

// generate levels until no new states are found
{  // generate next level from current
   // detect duplicates within next level
   // detect duplicates from previous levels
   // record new elements
   // rotate levels
   cur = next;
   newt = RoomyList_make(levName,eltSize);

Hadoop and the Map/Reduce model

To process big data with parallel and distributed computing, we could use MySQL which scales well. Hadoop has become the de facto standard for processing big data.

Hadoop is used by Facebook to store photos, by LinkedIn to generate recommendations, and by Amazon to generate search indices. Hadoop works by connecting many different computers, hiding the complexity from the user: work with one giant computer. Hadoop uses a model called Map/Reduce.

The goal of the Map/Reduce model is to help with writing efficient parallel programs. Common data processing tasks: filtering, merging, aggregating data and many (not all) machine learning algorithms fit into Map/Reduce. There are two steps:

  • Map:

    Tasks read in input data as a set of records, process the records, and send groups of similar records to reducers. The mapper extracts a key from each input record. Hadoop will then route all records with the same key to the same reducer.

  • Reduce:

    Tasks read in a set of related records, process the records, and write the results. The reducer iterates through all results for the same key, processing the data and writing out the results.

The strength of this model is that the map and reduce steps run well in parallel.

Consider for example the prediction of user behavior. The question we ask is: How likely is a user to purchase an item from a website?

Suppose we have already computed (maybe using Map/Reduce) a set of variables describing each user: most common locations, the number of pages viewed, and the number of purchases made in the past. One method to calculate a forecast is to use random forests. Random forests work by calculating a set of regression trees and then averaging them together to create a single model. It can be time consuming to fit the random trees to the data, but each new tree can be calculated independently. One way to tackle this problem is to use a set of map tasks to generate random trees, and then send the models to a single reducer task to average the results and produce the model.


  1. Daniel Kunkle. Roomy: A C/C++ library for parallel disk-based computation, 2010. <http://roomy.sourceforge.net/>.
  2. Daniel Kunkle and Gene Cooperman. Harnessing parallel disks to solve Rubik’s cube. Journal of Symbolic Computation 44:872-890, 2009.
  3. Daniel Kunkle and Gene Cooperman. Solving Rubik’s Cube: Disk is the new RAM. Communications of the ACM 51(4):31-33, 2008.
  4. Garry Turkington. Hadoop Beginner’s Guide. <www.it-ebooks.info>.


  1. Watch the YouTube google tech talk of Gene Cooperman on the application of disk parallelism to Rubik’s cube.
  2. Read the paper of Daniel Kunkle and Gene Cooperman that was published in the Journal of Symbolic Computation, see the bibliography.