Next: The Principles of Polynomial
Up: Polynomial Homotopies for dense,
Previous: Introduction
The classification in Table 1 is inspired by [44].
The dense class is closest to the common algebraic description, whereas
the determinantal systems arise in enumerative geometry.
Table 1:
Key words of the three classes of polynomial systems.
system |
model |
theory |
space |
dense |
highest degrees |
Bézout |
projective |
sparse |
Newton polytopes |
Bernshtein |
toric |
determinantal |
localization posets |
Schubert |
Gmr |
Grassmannian |
For the vector of unknowns
and exponents
A polynomial system
is given by
a tuple of polynomials
The complexity of a dense polynomial p is
measured by its degree d:
(1) |
where at least one monomial of degree d should have a nonzero coefficient.
The total degree D of a dense system P is
Theorem 2.1 (Bézout [
The system

no more than
D isolated solutions, counted with multiplicities.
Consider for example
(2) |
Although D = 16, this system has only eight solutions because of its
sparse structure.
The support A of a sparse polynomial p collects all
exponents of those monomials whose coefficients are nonzero.
Since we allow negative exponents (
we restrict
(3) |
The Newton polytope Q of p is the convex hull of the support Aof p.
We model the structure of a sparse system P by a tuple of Newton
spanned by
the so-called supports of P.
The volume of a positive linear combination of polytopes is a homogeneous
polynomial in the multiplication factors.
The coefficients are mixed volumes.
For instance, for (Q1,Q2), we write:
(4) |
For the Newton polytopes of the system (2):
To interpret this we look at Figure 1 and see that multiplying
P1 and P2 respectively by
changes their
areas respectively with
The cells in the subdivision of Q1 + Q2 whose area is scaled by
contribute to the mixed volume.
So, for the example in (2), the root count is eight.
Figure 1:
Newton polytopes Q1, Q2, a mixed subdivision
of Q1 + Q2 with volumes.
Theorem 2.2 (Bernshtein [
A system

with Newton polytopes

has no
more than

isolated solutions in

counted with multiplicities.
The mixed volume was nicknamed [13] as the BKK bound to honor
Bernshtein [7], Kushnirenko [51], and
Khovanskii [49].
For the third class of polynomial systems we consider a matrix [C | X]where
respectively collect the coefficients and indeterminates.
Laplace expansion of the maximal minors of [C | X] in m-by-m and
r-by-r minors yields a determinantal polynomial
p({\bf x}) = \sum_{\scriptsize\begin{array}{c} I \cup J = U...
...} } {\rm sign}(I,J) C[I] X[J],
\quad U = \{ 1,2,\ldots,m+r\},
\end{displaymath}](img41.gif) |
(5) |
where the summation runs over all distinct choices I of m elements of U.
The partition
of U defines the permutation
its sign.
The symbols C[I] and X[I] respectively represent
coefficient minors and minors of indeterminates.
Note that for more general intersection conditions, the matrices
[C | X] are not necessarily square.
The vanishing of a polynomial as in (5) expresses
the condition that the r-plane X meets a given m-plane nontrivially.
The counting and finding of all figures that satisfy certain geometric
conditions is the central theme of enumerative geometry.
For example, consider the following.
Theorem 2.3 (Schubert [


there are
(6) |
r-planes that nontrivially meet
mr given
m-planes in general position.
This root count dm,r is sharp compared to other root counts,
see [98] and [114] for examples.
We can picture the simplest case, using the fact that 2-planes in
represent lines in
In Figure 2 the positive real projective 3-space
corresponds to the interior of the tetrahedron.
Algorithmic proofs for the above theorems consist in two steps.
First we show how to construct a generic start system that has exactly
as many regular solutions as the root count.
Then we set up a homotopy for which all isolated solutions of any
particular target system lie at the end of some solution path
originating at some solution of the constructed start system.
Next: The Principles of Polynomial
Up: Polynomial Homotopies for dense,
Previous: Introduction
Jan Verschelde