Home Page of Charles Tier

Who am I ? (image)

You can always reach me -

by e-mail: tier@uic.edu

by US Mail:

MSCS (m/c 249)
University of Illinois at Chicago
851 S. Morgan St.
Chicago, IL 60607

by Telephone:

Office Phone: (312) 996-2442
Fax: (312) 996-1491
Messages: (312) 996-3041



Current research involves the construction of approximations to
stochastic models arising in various applications.  One area involves
performance measures of queueing systems that arise in models
of computer and communications systems.  A second area involves
the analysis of models in computational finance.

Publication List


My areas of interest include Applied Mathematics and Applied Computer Science. I regularly teach applied mathematics courses such as differential equations and mathematical biology as well as computer science courses such as numerical analysis and computer and communications system performance evaluation. Recently, I have become interested in Computational Finance. Here are my most recent courses:

Info on Applied Mathematics and Computational Science at UIC

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Last Modified: Tuesday, 19-Jun-2007 21:17:15 CDT by Charles Tier

©2004 Charles Tier