Dane Meade's personal website, a snappy and clever title for which is yet to be determined.

Threeven numbers

I have a (not especially active) blog, where I post elementary expository content about math topics I generally consider fun.
Should this pique your interest, I've included a link here.

You may receive a landing page asking you to subscribe, and to list a donation amount. Feel free to enter subscribe, but don't pledge money. This blog is not monetized.

Hi! You must be reading the page source. Props to you I'm proud. At some point I'll write a short bio. I haven't done that yet, which is why this tab isn't yet public.

Hey hi hello! I'm Dane, I am a first-year PhD student at the University of Illinois Chicago.

As of the spring semester of 2025, I am a TA for Math 125: Finite Mathematics for Business.
My office hours are Tuesday and Thursday, from 11:00AM to 12:00M.

In the event that you wish to contact me, you are cordially invited to drop me a line.