Robert Thijs Kozma

List of Publications

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

[1] Kozma R. T., Szirmai J. New Horoball Packing Density Lower Bound in Hyperbolic 5-space, Geometriae Dedicata 206, 1-25 (2020).
ArXiv, Journal (updated version)

[2] Kozma R. T., Szirmai J. New Lower Bound for the Optimal Ball Packing Density in Hyperbolic 4-space, Journal of Discrete and Computational Geometry, Volume 53, Issue 1, pp 182-198 (2015). doi:10.1007/s00454-014-9634-1 ArXiv, Journal

[3] Kozma, R. T., Devaney, R. L. Julia Sets Converging to Filled Quadratic Julia Sets, Journal of Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Volume 34, Issue 01, pp. 171-184 (2014). PDF, Journal

[4] Kozma, R. T., Szirmai J. Optimally Dense Packings for Fully Asymptotic Coxeter Tilings by Horoballs of Different Types, Monatshefte für Mathematik, Volume 168, Issue 1, pp. 27-47 (2012) ArXiv, Journal

[5] Kozma, R. T. Julia Sets of Perturbed Quadratic Maps Converging to the Filled Basilica, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, Issue 13:5, pp. 281-288 (2011) Journal

Book Chapters

[6] Versace,M., Kozma, R.T., Wunsch, D., Adaptive Resonance Theory design in mixed memristive-fuzzy hardware, Advances in Neuromorphic Memristor Science and Applications, Springer-Verlag (2012) Chapter


[7] Kozma, R.T., Dense regular horoball packings in higher dimensional hyperbolic spaces, Discrete Geometry and Convexity in honour of Imre Bárány, Eds. Ambrus G., Böröczky K.J., Füredi Z., pp. 143-144, Budapest, Hungary (2017). ISBN 978-963-279-963-6

[8] Kozma R.T., Szirmai J. Symmetries of Horoball Packings Related to Famous 3-dimensional Hyperbolic Tilings, Symmetry: Culture and Science, Volume 27, No. 4, pp 261-278 (2016).

[9] Hayashi, I., Tsuruse, S., Suzuki, J., Kozma, R.T., A Proposal for Applying pdi- Boosting to Brain-Computer Interfaces, World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI) / FUZZ-IEEE 2012, Brisbane, Australia (2012). doi:10.1109/FUZZ- IEEE.2012.6251152


[10] Kozma, R. T., Szirmai J., Structure and Visualization of Optimal Horoball Packings (Preprint). ArXiv

[11] Kozma, R. T., Szirmai J., Horoball Packing Density Lower Bounds in Higher Dimensional Hyperbolic n-space for n = 6...9 (Preprint). ArXiv

[12] Furman A., Kozma R.T., Central Limit Theorem for Cocyles over Hyperbolic Systems (Preprint). ArXiv


[13] Ph.D. Thesis: Central Limit Theorems and Packing Problems in Dynamics and Geometry (2021). Advisor: Alex Furman.

[14] Undergraduate Thesis: Julia Sets of Perturbed Quadratic Maps Converging to the Filled Basilica. Advisor: Robert Devaney.

Also see my Google Scholar profile or CV.