The final exam is on Wednesday, May 9th at 1pm in our normal room (AH 306). My office hours during finals week will be Monday from 10am to 1pm in SEO 626.
Course Documents
Course Syllabus
Midterm Review Sheet
Midterm Exam Solutions
Midterm Redo Exam Solutions
Problem Sets
Unless otherwise stated, the following problems are from the course textbook, An Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning.
Problem Set 1 (due Friday 2/2): 1.3-1.5 (page 9), 2.4-2.6 (page 20), and 1-6 (pages 53-54).
Problem Set 2 (due Friday 2/9): 3.5, 3.8 (page 29), 4.1, 4.7 (pages 37-38), and 7-11 (page 54).
Problem Set 3 (due Friday 2/16): 5.1, 5.2, 5.5 (page 51) and 12, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20 (pages 54-56).
Problem Set 4 (due Friday 2/23): 6.3, 6.4, 6.6 (pages 72-73) and 2-9 (pages 115-116).
Problem Set 5 (due Friday 3/2): 7.1, 7.7 (pages 86-87) and 11-14 (page 117).
Problem Set 6 (due Friday 3/9): 9.4 (page 114) and 15-20 (pages 117-118).
Problem Set 7 (due Friday 3/23): these problems.
Problem Set 8 (due Friday 4/6): these problems.
Problem Set 9 (due Friday 4/13): these problems.
Problem Set 10 (due Friday 4/20): these problems.
Problem Set 11 (due Friday 5/4): these problems.
Problem Set 12 (due Friday 5/4): these problems.