Izzet Coskun

E-mail: icoskun@ uic.edu

851 S. Morgan St. 423

Chicago, IL 60607


The RTG page at UIC

Carlos Simpson will give a series of FRG Lectures on June 10-11, 2021 on Moduli Spaces of sheaves on surfaces. You can find more information here

FRG Conference Moduli Spaces and Stability will take place on Dec 7-10, 2020 on zoom.


In Spring 2025, I am teaching MATH 535 Complex Analysis I (MATH 535) and MATH 554 Complex Manifolds I ( MATH 554) In Fall 2024, I am teaching MATH 417 Complex Analysis and Applications (MATH 417).


The UIC Algebraic Geometry Seminar (AGS)


  • CV (pdf)
  • Editorial

    I am on the editorial board of Advances in Geometry and Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. I served on the editorial board of Central European Journal of Mathematics (2009--2014) and the European Journal of Mathematics (2014--2024).


    ZAG June 30, 2020 Stabilization of the cohomology of moduli spaces of sheaves A summary for the proceedings Summary

    ETH April 10, 2020 Stabilization of the cohomology of moduli spaces of sheaves

    MSRI March 2009, Geometric positivity in the cohomology of homogeneous varieties

    XXIII National Mathematics Symposium, Kayseri Turkey, August 2010. Lecture 1, Lecture2

    Lecture notes


    Papers and preprints:

    Comments, corrections and suggestions are always welcome.

    Past Conferences Organized

    Teaching in Previous Semesters


    Recently Sam and Fumei visited me in Istanbul. Here are some of the pictures that they took. (html)