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The Test Database of Polynomial Systems

The progress on solving polynomial system has always been motivated by the poor performance of the existing technology on practical examples. To make the benchmarking more meaningful and relevant, most systems are taken from practical applications, cited in the literature. We refer to [Traverso 1993] and [Bini and Mourrain 1998] for similar collections.

In Tables 4 and 5 an overview of the application database is given. To save space, the algebraic description is omitted. Either the reference or the PHC distribution file can be consulted. Some systems appear in different guises, such as the cyclic n-roots and the economics problem. It allows us to see how the particular formulation of a problem can influence the solution process.

Some important characteristics of the systems are listed in Tables 6 and 7. Most systems arising from practical applications are deficient, i.e.: have fewer roots than the root count. The improvement of the mixed volume compared to the Bézout bounds is in many cases really significant. The black-box solver of PHC does not contain facilities to treat affine roots properly, therefore it may miss some isolated solutions with zero components.

The parameters of the black-box solver have been set to handle all examples of the database. In Tables 8 and 9 timings are listed for a SPARCserver-1000. We count 33 little examples, that require less than one minute to solve. There are 38 larger examples, for which PHC needs between one minute and an hour. Five big examples require more than one hour to solve.

Timings only have a temporary value. They are only good to measure the difficulty of solving one system compared to another one. The exponential gains from selecting a sharp root count are more important. The black-box solver is certainly not the optimal way to solve a particular system, although the timings give a good impression of the general performance of the package.

Table 4: An overview of the test database, part I. Besides the name of the polynomial system, a reference to the literature and a short description is mentioned.
name reference title with description of the application
boon [Boon 1992] neurophysiology, posted by Sjirk Boon
butcher [Traverso 1993] Butcher's problem, from PoSSo test suite
butcher8 [Boege et al.1986] 8-variable version of Butcher's problem
camera1s [Emiris 1997] camera displacement between 2 positions, frame 1
caprasse [Traverso 1993] the system caprasse of the PoSSo test suite
cassou [Li et al. 1996] the system of Pierrette Cassou-Noguès
chemequ [Meintjes and Morgan 1990] chemical equilibrium of hydrocarbon combustion
cohn2 [Traverso 1993] the system cohn2 from the PoSSo test suite
cohn3 [Traverso 1993] the system cohn3 from the PoSSo test suite
comb3000 [Morgan 1987] Model A combustion chemistry example
conform1 [Emiris 1997] conformal analysis of cyclic molecules, instance 1
cpdm5 [Gatermann 1990] 5-dimensional system of Caprasse and Demaret
cyclic5 [Björk and Fröberg 1991] cyclic 5-roots problem
cyclic6 [Björk and Fröberg 1991] cyclic 6-roots problem
cyclic7 [Backelin and Fröberg 1991] cyclic 7-roots problem
cyclic8 [Björk and Fröberg 1994] cyclic 8-roots problem
d1 [Van Hentenryck et al. 1997] a sparse system, known as benchmark D1
des18_3 [Nauheim 1998] a "dessin d'enfant", called des18_3
des22_24 [Nauheim 1998] a "dessin d'enfant", called des22_24
discret3s [Traverso 1993] system discret3, scaled by average coefficients
eco5 [Morgan 1987] 5-dimensional economics problem
eco6 [Morgan 1987] 6-dimensional economics problem
eco7 [Morgan 1987] 7-dimensional economics problem
eco8 [Morgan 1987] 8-dimensional economics problem
extcyc5 [Verschelde and Gatermann 1995] extended cyclic 5-roots to exploit symmetry
extcyc6 [Verschelde and Gatermann 1995] extended cyclic 6-roots to exploit symmetry
extcyc7 [Verschelde and Gatermann 1995] extended cyclic 7-roots to exploit symmetry
extcyc8 [Verschelde and Gatermann 1995] extended cyclic 8-roots to exploit symmetry
fourbar [Morgan and Wampler 1990] four-bar design problem, so-called 5-point problem
fbrfive4 [Wampler 1996] Four-bar linkage through 5 points, n=4 version
fbrfive12 [Wampler 1996] Four-bar linkage, coupler curve through 5 points
gaukwa2 [Stroud and Secrest 1966] Gaussian quadrature formula 2 knots, 2 weights
gaukwa3 [Stroud and Secrest 966] Gaussian quadrature formula 3 knots, 3 weights
gaukwa4 [Stroud and Secrest 1966] Gaussian quadrature formula 4 knots, 4 weights
geneig [Chu et al. 1988] generalized eigenvalue problem
heart [Nelsen and Hodgkin 1981] heart-dipole problem
i1 [Van Hentenryck et al. 1997] Benchmark i1 from Interval Arithmetic Benchmarks
ipp [Morgan and Sommese 1987b] six-revolute-joint problem of mechanics


Table 5: An overview of the test database, part II. Besides the name of the polynomial system, a reference to the literature and a short description is mentioned.
name reference title with description of the application
ipp2 [Wampler and Morgan 1991] 6R inverse position problem
katsura5 [Boege et al. 1986] a problem of magnetism in physics
kinema [Bellido 1992] robot kinematics problem
kin1 [Van Hentenryck et al. 1997] kinematics problem
ku10 [Steenkamp 1982] 10-dimensional system of Ku
lorentz [Li 1987] equilibrium of 4-dimensional Lorentz attractor
lumped [Li and Wang 1991] lumped-parameter chemically reacting system
mickey [Verschelde and Cools 1996] Mickey-mouse example as illustration
noon3 [Noonburg 1989] neural network, Lotka-Volterra system, n=3
noon4 [Noonburg 1989] neural network, Lotka-Volterra system, n=4
noon5 [Noonburg 1989] neural network, Lotka-Volterra system, n=5
proddeco [Morgan et al. 1995] system with a product-decomposition structure
puma [Morgan and Shapiro 1987] hand position and orientation of PUMA robot
quadfor2 [Verschelde and Gatermann 1995] Gaussian quadrature with 2 knots and weights
quadgrid [Sweldens 1994] interpolating quadrature formula on a grid
rabmo [Moore and Jones 1977] optimal multi-dimensional quadrature formulas
rbpl [Mourrain 1993] parallel robot, the so-called left-hand problem
rbpl24 [Mourrain 1996] parallel robot with 24 real solutions
redcyc5 [Emiris 1994] reduced cyclic 5-roots problem
redcyc6 [Emiris 1994] reduced cyclic 6-roots problem
redcyc7 [Emiris 1994] reduced cyclic 7-roots problem
redcyc8 [Emiris 1994] reduced cyclic 8-roots problem
redeco5 [Morgan 1987] reduced 5-dimensional economics problem
redeco6 [Morgan 1987] reduced 6-dimensional economics problem
redeco7 [Morgan 1987] reduced 7-dimensional economics problem
redeco8 [Morgan 1987] reduced 8-dimensional economics problem
rediff3 [Iserles 1995] 3-dimensional reaction-diffusion problem
reimer5 [Traverso 1993] The 5-dimensional system of Reimer
rose [Traverso 1993] a general economic equilibrium model
s9_1 [Nauheim 1998] small system from constructive Galois theory
sendra [Traverso 1993] the system sendra of the PoSSo test suite
solotarev [Traverso 1993] the system solotarev of the PoSSo test suite
sparse5 [Verschelde and Gatermann 1995] 5-dimensional sparse symmetric polynomial system
speer [Gatermann 1990] the system of E.R. Speer
trinks [Traverso 1993] system of Trinks from the PoSSo test suite
virasoro [Schrans and Troost 1990] the construction of Virasoro algebras
wood [Moré et al.1981] system derived from optimizing Wood function
wright [Wright 1985] system of A.H. Wright

Table 6: Characteristics of the polynomial systems, part I. The dimension is n. D is the total degree of the system. BZ is an m-homogeneous Bézout number, based on a partition generated by a heuristic method. BS is a generalized linear-product Bézout number, based on a set structure generated by a heuristic method. V is the mixed volume. $\char93 $sols is number of isolated solutions found by PHC.
name n D BZ BS V $\char93 $sols
boon 6 1024 344 216 20 8
butcher 7 4608 2090 605 24 5
butcher8 8 4608 1461 587 26 16
camera1s 6 64 20 20 20 20
caprasse 4 144 62 94 48 48
cassou 4 1344 368 361 24 16
chemequ 5 108 56 44 16 16
cohn2 4 900 468 358 124 18
cohn3 4 1080 484 358 213 102
comb3000 10 96 66 28 16 16
conform1 3 64 16 16 16 16
cpdm5 5 243 243 243 242 157
cyclic5 5 120 120 106 70 70
cyclic6 6 720 720 588 156 156
cyclic7 7 5040 5040 4200 924 924
cyclic8 8 40320 40320 30365 2560 1152
d1 12 4068 320 896 192 48
des18_3 8 324 544 241 46 46
des22_24 10 256 128 82 42 42
discret3s 8 256 128 128 128 128
eco5 5 54 20 16 8 8
eco6 6 162 48 36 16 16
eco7 7 486 112 80 32 32
eco8 8 1458 256 176 64 64
extcyc5 5 120 120 106 70 70
extcyc6 6 720 720 588 156 156
extcyc7 7 5040 5040 4200 924 924
extcyc8 8 40320 40320 30365 2560 1152
fbrfive12 12 4096 96 96 36 36
fbrfive4 4 256 96 194 36 36
fourbar 4 256 96 96 80 36
gaukwa2 4 24 11 11 5 2
gaukwa3 6 720 225 225 49 6
gaukwa4 8 40320 6769 6769 729 24
geneig 6 243 10 10 10 10
heart 8 576 193 193 121 4
i1 10 59049 452 437 66 66
ipp 8 256 96 96 64 48

Table 7: Characteristics of the polynomial systems, part II. The dimension is n. D is the total degree of the system. BZ is an m-homogeneous Bézout number, based on a partition generated by a heuristic method. BS is a general linear-product Bézout number, based on a set structure generated by a heuristic method. V is the mixed volume. $\char93 $sols is number of isolated solutions found by PHC.
name n D BZ BS V $\char93 $sols
ipp2 11 1024 576 848 288 16
katsura5 6 32 32 32 32 32
kin1 12 4608 320 896 192 48
kinema 9 64 240 64 64 40
ku10 10 1024 2 2 2 2
lorentz 4 16 14 12 12 11
lumped 4 16 8 11 7 4
mickey 2 4 4 4 4 4
noon3 3 27 29 21 21 21
noon4 4 81 81 73 73 73
noon5 5 243 243 233 233 233
proddeco 4 256 96 96 26 6
puma 8 128 16 32 16 16
quadfor2 4 24 11 11 4 2
quadgrid 5 120 10 10 10 5
rabmo 9 36000 22740 7090 136 16
rbpl 6 486 160 160 160 150
rbpl24 9 576 80 80 80 40
redcyc5 4 24 24 19 14 14
redcyc6 5 120 96 83 26 26
redcyc7 6 720 720 511 132 132
redcyc8 7 5040 3960 3107 320 144
redeco5 5 8 12 8 8 8
redeco6 6 16 28 16 16 16
redeco7 7 32 64 32 32 32
redeco8 8 64 144 64 64 64
rediff3 3 8 8 8 7 7
reimer5 5 720 720 720 720 144
rose 3 216 144 136 136 136
s9_1 8 16 41 10 10 10
sendra 2 49 49 46 46 46
solotarev 4 36 10 8 6 6
sparse5 5 100000 3840 3840 160 160
speer 4 625 384 246 96 43
trinks 6 24 24 18 10 10
virasoro 8 256 3072 256 200 200
wood 4 36 25 16 9 9
wright 5 32 32 32 32 32

Table 8: Part I of timing summary on SPARCserver-1000, with the black-box version made with the gnu-ada compiler. The CPU time of the process is expressed in hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.
name root counts       start system       continuation       total time      
boon 0h 0m 0s 190 0h 0m 5s 868 0h 0m 14s 394 0h 0m 20s 937
butcher 0h 0m 13s 267 0h 0m 29s 23 0h 1m 44s 962 0h 2m 28s 449
butcher8 0h 0m 50s 513 0h 0m 25s 188 0h 4m 20s 602 0h 5m 38s 507
camera1s 0h 0m 8s 258 0h 0m 0s 110 0h 0m 34s 406 0h 0m 44s 682
caprasse 0h 0m 0s 769 0h 0m 10s 4 0h 0m 17s 80 0h 0m 28s 888
cassou 0h 0m 1s 145 0h 0m 10s 688 0h 1m 3s 439 0h 1m 15s 972
chemequ 0h 0m 1s 116 0h 0m 4s 827 0h 0m 6s 886 0h 0m 13s 378
cohn2 0h 0m 3s 989 0h 0m 49s 953 0h 2m 49s 74 0h 3m 46s 619
cohn3 0h 0m 4s 991 0h 1m 12s 618 0h 16m 15s 864 0h 17m 37s 282
comb3000 0h 0m 7s 814 0h 0m 5s 630 0h 0m 18s 162 0h 0m 33s 118
conform1 0h 0m 0s 42 0h 0m 0s 45 0h 0m 3s 880 0h 0m 4s 310
cpdm5 0h 0m 18s 683 0h 2m 27s 225 0h 9m 51s 598 0h 12m 43s 370
cyclic5 0h 0m 0s 562 0h 0m 11s 768 0h 0m 32s 469 0h 0m 45s 993
cyclic6 0h 0m 6s 40 0h 1m 15s 816 0h 2m 44s 292 0h 4m 9s 434
cyclic7 0h 1m 15s 74 0h 15m 49s 391 0h 27m 50s 521 0h 45m 21s 434
cyclic8 0h 14m 41s 38 1h 25m 14s 851 2h 54m 28s 884 4h 35m 54s 367
d1 0h 0m 15s 182 0h 5m 34s 397 0h 13m 30s 348 0h 19m 25s 426
des18_3 0h 3m 51s 209 0h 1m 19s 587 0h 1m 44s 25 0h 6m 57s 913
des22_24 0h 0m 23s 538 0h 0m 50s 660 0h 1m 22s 251 0h 2m 40s 53
discret3s 0h 2m 20s 4 0h 0m 0s 719 0h 56m 20s 922 0h 58m 52s 121
eco5 0h 0m 0s 281 0h 0m 1s 222 0h 0m 2s 829 0h 0m 4s 686
eco6 0h 0m 2s 217 0h 0m 4s 132 0h 0m 6s 771 0h 0m 13s 785
eco7 0h 0m 22s 215 0h 0m 20s 511 0h 0m 34s 19 0h 1m 18s 249
eco8 0h 5m 28s 66 0h 1m 1s 471 0h 1m 55s 472 0h 8m 27s 528
extcyc5 0h 0m 2s 355 0h 0m 36s 607 0h 0m 37s 521 0h 1m 17s 726
extcyc6 0h 0m 30s 15 0h 1m 45s 137 0h 2m 56s 572 0h 5m 15s 706
extcyc7 0h 9m 15s 674 0h 17m 22s 278 0h 30m 29s 581 0h 57m 33s 835
extcyc8 1h 58m 58s 816 1h 36m 57s 179 3h 58m 54s 943 7h 36m 30s 580
fbrfive12 0h 1m 30s 161 0h 1m 6s 686 0h 2m 18s 859 0h 4m 58s 570
fbrfive4 0h 0m 0s 463 0h 0m 17s 283 0h 1m 2s 690 0h 1m 21s 972
fourbar 0h 0m 0s 625 0h 0m 8s 706 0h 2m 1s 20 0h 2m 12s 565
gaukwa2 0h 0m 0s 55 0h 0m 0s 705 0h 0m 1s 460 0h 0m 2s 391
gaukwa3 0h 0m 1s 430 0h 0m 22s 803 0h 0m 52s 615 0h 1m 17s 674
gaukwa4 0h 1m 18s 940 0h 27m 42s 595 0h 52m 30s 671 1h 21m 42s 787
geneig 0h 0m 0s 476 0h 0m 0s 303 0h 0m 11s 314 0h 0m 14s 648
heart 0h 1m 10s 899 0h 3m 14s 236 0h 4m 39s 75 0h 9m 6s 712
i1 0h 0m 37s 869 0h 0m 49s 215 0h 1m 59s 959 0h 3m 29s 913
ipp 0h 1m 4s 541 0h 1m 21s 14 0h 1m 47s 940 0h 4m 16s 287

Table 9: Part II of timing summary on SPARCserver-1000, with the black-box version made with the gnu-ada compiler. The CPU time of the process is expressed in hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.
name root counts       start system       continuation       total time      
ipp2 0h 8m 21s 346 0h 11m 59s 944 0h 27m 18s 539 0h 47m 48s 632
katsura5 0h 0m 12s 382 0h 0m 0s 8 0h 0m 27s 511 0h 0m 41s 303
kin1 0h 2m 2s 926 0h 5m 39s 399 0h 11m 37s 403 0h 19m 25s 259
kinema 0h 2m 28s 847 0h 0m 0s 22 0h 3m 11s 205 0h 5m 42s 168
ku10 0h 0m 1s 547 0h 0m 2s 253 0h 0m 3s 611 0h 0m 8s 357
lorentz 0h 0m 0s 173 0h 0m 0s 23 0h 0m 6s 633 0h 0m 7s 256
lumped 0h 0m 0s 289 0h 0m 0s 714 0h 0m 1s 975 0h 0m 3s 255
mickey 0h 0m 0s 8 0h 0m 0s 2 0h 0m 0s 175 0h 0m 0s 248
noon3 0h 0m 0s 58 0h 0m 0s 33 0h 0m 4s 639 0h 0m 5s 154
noon4 0h 0m 0s 399 0h 0m 0s 103 0h 0m 51s 160 0h 0m 53s 163
noon5 0h 0m 2s 922 0h 0m 0s 316 0h 7m 9s 741 0h 7m 17s 834
proddeco 0h 0m 0s 299 0h 0m 10s 135 0h 0m 42s 488 0h 0m 54s 26
puma 0h 0m 2s 457 0h 0m 0s 420 0h 0m 34s 43 0h 0m 40s 105
quadfor2 0h 0m 0s 24 0h 0m 0s 183 0h 0m 0s 910 0h 0m 1s 271
quadgrid 0h 0m 4s 451 0h 0m 0s 159 0h 0m 14s 627 0h 0m 20s 443
rabmo 0h 1m 10s 899 0h 3m 14s 236 0h 4m 39s 75 0h 9m 6s 712
rbpl 0h 1m 32s 693 0h 0m 0s 670 0h 10m 24s 859 0h 12m 4s 957
rbpl24 3h 19m 40s 323 0h 0m 1s 331 0h 9m 55s 836 3h 29m 47s 764
redcyc5 0h 0m 0s 348 0h 0m 2s 767 0h 0m 3s 505 0h 0m 6s 995
redcyc6 0h 0m 3s 559 0h 0m 9s 911 0h 0m 17s 549 0h 0m 31s 863
redcyc7 0h 0m 54s 118 0h 1m 56s 885 0h 3m 12s 794 0h 6m 7s 216
redcyc8 0h 9m 58s 283 0h 10m 54s 911 0h 18m 11s 414 0h 39m 14s 893
redeco5 0h 0m 0s 290 0h 0m 0s 3 0h 0m 3s 109 0h 0m 3s 671
redeco6 0h 0m 2s 389 0h 0m 0s 6 0h 0m 7s 958 0h 0m 10s 860
redeco7 0h 0m 22s 751 0h 0m 0s 10 0h 0m 24s 990 0h 0m 48s 725
redeco8 0h 4m 30s 648 0h 0m 0s 18 0h 1m 20s 991 0h 5m 53s 618
rediff3 0h 0m 0s 28 0h 0m 0s 225 0h 0m 0s 568 0h 0m 1s 2
reimer5 0h 0m 0s 913 0h 0m 0s 65 0h 9m 20s 820 0h 9m 30s 537
rose 0h 0m 0s 86 0h 0m 0s 347 0h 2m 26s 320 0h 2m 30s 262
s9_1 0h 0m 0s 663 0h 0m 0s 65 0h 0m 14s 843 0h 0m 17s 344
sendra 0h 0m 0s 50 0h 0m 0s 131 0h 0m 18s 328 0h 0m 19s 474
solotarev 0h 0m 0s 79 0h 0m 0s 365 0h 0m 1s 37 0h 0m 1s 695
sparse5 0h 0m 0s 396 0h 0m 21s 672 0h 3m 45s 456 0h 4m 11s 36
speer 0h 0m 1s 554 0h 0m 52s 9 0h 13m 35s 109 0h 14m 31s 786
trinks 0h 0m 0s 666 0h 0m 1s 855 0h 0m 5s 962 0h 0m 8s 967
virasoro 3h 40m 50s 731 0h 7m 0s 273 0h 7m 42s 993 3h 55m 41s 856
wood 0h 0m 0s 55 0h 0m 0s 761 0h 0m 2s 860 0h 0m 3s 912
wright 0h 0m 1s 332 0h 0m 0s 6 0h 0m 13s 251 0h 0m 15s 210

The demonstration database of polynomial systems is still growing in order to increase the awareness of the importance and relevance of solving polynomial systems to applied mathematics and scientific computing.

In closing some user applications of PHC are mentioned. PHC was used actively by Charles Wampler  [1996] to count the roots of various systems in mechanical design. Frank Sottile applied PHC to compute root counts for linear subspace intersections of the Schubert calculus, see [Sottile 1998] for various tables. A third example comes from computer graphics. To show that the 12 lines tangent to four given spheres can all be real, Thorsten Theobald used PHC, choosing appropriate parameters in the algebraic formulation set up by Cassiano Durand.

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Jan Verschelde