Course Content
To save space the lecture notes have been removed.
Part 1 : First steps with Maple
L-1 Introduction to Computer Algebra
L-2 Getting Started and getting help
L-3 integers, (ir)rational, and floating-point numbers
L-4 Algebraic and Complex Numbers
L-5 Assignment and Unassignment
L-6 Evaluation and Names of Variables
L-7 Basic Data Types; Attributes and Properties
L-8 Maple i/o; Library; reading and writing files
L-9 Import/export of data; Low-level I/O; Code generation
Part 2 : Polynomials and Rational Expressions
L-10 Univariate and multivariate polynomials
L-11 Rational functions and conversions
L-12 Representation of polynomials and rational expressions
L-13 Substitution, expansion and factorization
L-14 Canonical and normal form; collecting and sorting
R-1 Review of the first 14 lectures, some answers:
Maple worksheet
and html version.
E-1 First Midterm Exam:
Maple worksheet,
the html version,
and curve of scores.
Part 3 : Calculus
L-15 Defining mathematical functions
L-16 Maple procedures and recursion
L-17 Operations on functions and anonymous functions
L-18 Symbolic and Automatic Differentiation
L-19 Integration and Summation
L-20 Series, Approximations, and Limits
Part 4 : Advanced Maple
L-21 Sequence, Set, and List
L-22 Array, Table, Last Name Eval, Function Call, Conversion
L-23 Assume and Simplification
L-24 Two dimensional plots
L-25 Three dimensional plots
L-26 Solving Equations
L-27 Differential Equations
L-28 Linear Algebra
R-2 Review of the lectures 15 to 28, some answers:
Maple worksheet
and html version.
E-2 Second Midterm Exam:
Maple worksheet,
answers in html ,
and curve of scores.
M-1 Introduction to MATLAB:
log file created with diary
M-2 Polynomials and Curve Fitting:
log file created with diary
M-3 Making Plots with MATLAB:
log file created with diary
M-4 Programming in MATLAB:
log file created with diary
M-5 MATLAB as drawing tool:
log file created with diary
M-6 Images and Movies in MATLAB:
log file created with diary
M-7 Signal Processing in MATLAB:
log file created with diary
M-8 Special Matrices in MATLAB:
log file created with diary
M-9 Linear Programming in MATLAB:
log file created with diary
R-3 Review of first two parts of Maple:
Maple worksheet
and html version.
R-4 Review of parts three and four of Maple:
Maple worksheet
and html version.
R-5 Review of MATLAB:
log file created with diary