Stephanie N. Reyes

Pure Mathematics
Number Theory
FY 2020 DFI Fellow
UIC AWM Student Chapter, Past President
University of Illinois at Chicago

MS Advisor: Alina Carmen Cojocaru


California Institute of Technology
Mellon-Mays Undergraduate Fellowship
Bachelor of Science, Mathematics
Undergraduate Advisor: Matthias Flach
Fall 2010 – Spring 2016

Contact Info

University of Illinois at Chicago
Department of Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science
M/C 249
851 S. Morgan St.
Chicago, IL 60607-7045

Office: SEO 723

Email: stephanie [at] math [dot] uic [dot] edu

Teaching, Outreach and Tutoring

Notes and Other Resources

Past Teaching Experience


Commutative Algebra and Number Theory

Attended Events

Past Research Areas

algebraic geometry — number fields — topology — cryptography

Service and Leadership




I am a boring person interested in boring things and I hate the sun. I have two cats ( Zahlen and CAT(0) ).

website designed in collaboration with Christopher Perez