Current Tenure-Track Faculty

Matthew Harrison-Trainor

Matthew Harrison-Trainor works in mathematical logic and computability theory. His work can be broadly described as using computability-theoretic techniques to measure complexity in mathematics. Much of his work is on the complexity of classifying mathematical structures and characterizing their properties, but he has also worked in algorithmic randomness, effective descriptive set theory, and modal logic.

Vishesh Jain

Vishesh Jain is broadly interested in probability, combinatorics, and theoretical computer science. His work often involves techniques from high-dimensional probability. Specific recent projects include work on universality in random matrix theory, algorithmic applications of Markov chains, regularization phenomena in numerical analysis, and the mean-field approximation in statistical physics.

Marcus Michelen

Marcus Michelen works in probability, combinatorics and classical analysis. Much of his work involves using complex- and Fourier-analytic techniques in discrete settings. Specific recent projects include random algebraic structures such as matrices, polynomials and partitions; the relationship between zero-free regions and probability theory; and Gibbs point processes.

Dhruv Mubayi

Dhruv Mubayi works primarily on extremal and structural questions on graphs and hypergraphs, with applications to computer science. Much of his work involves the use of probabilistic and algebraic methods. His focus in the past five years lies in Turan and Ramsey type questions, particularly on hypergraphs. Specific recent projects include: the forbidden intersection problem in extremal set theory, the supersaturation phenomenon in extremal graph and hypergraph theory, extending the spectral theory of quasirandom graphs to hypergraphs, and using semi-random, or nibble methods in hypergraph coloring.

Lev Reyzin

Lev Reyzin's work focuses on foundational questions in computational and statistical learning theory, but he is more broadly interested a variety of topics, ranging from practical issues in machine learning to theoretical computer science. His research also intersects with various areas of combinatorics and optimization. Specific recent projects include work on adaptive data analysis, noise-tolerant algorithms, active and interactive learning, network optimization, boosting and ensemble methods, and multiarmed bandits / reinforcement learning.

Caroline Terry

Caroline Terry will join our faculty in Fall 2024. She works at the intersection of combinatorics and model theory, a branch of mathematical logic.

György Turán

Gyorgy Turan works in theoretical computer science, artificial intelligence and related areas in discrete mathematics and logic. Recently he worked on combinatorial, probabilistic, algorithmic and belief revision aspects of propositional Horn formulas, and on experimental aspects of commonsense reasoning. In the past he also worked on complexity theory (circuit complexity, decision trees, proof complexity) and computational learning theory (query learning, theory revision, learnability in logic).

Jan Verschelde

Jan Verschelde's research interests are mainly computational algebraic geometry, with a focus on numerical and symbolic methods to solve polynomial systems. He is also interested in mathematical software, parallel algorithms, and supercomputing.

Faculty Emeriti

NameResearch interests
Shmuel Friedland tensors and applications, matrices, quantum information, mathematical biology, dynamical systems
Floyd B. Hanson computational stochastic control, computational finance, computational biomedicine, stochastic manufacturing systems, scientific supercomputing, stochastic bioeconomics, asymptotics, industrial mathematics, numerical analysis
Glenn K. Manacher computer algorithms, computer language design

Current and Former Postdocs

NameYears at UICPresent position
Aditya Potukuchi 2020 - 2022 Assistant Professor at York University
Marcus Michelen 2019 - 2021 Assistant Professor at UIC
Liana Yepremyan 2019 - 2021 Assistant Professor at Emory
Li Wang2015 - 2017 Associate Professor at UT Arlington
John Lenz 2011 - 2016 Consultant at CMS Research
Sonja Petrović 2008 - 2011 Associate Professor at IIT
Vladimir Trifonov 2007 - 2008 Principal Scientist at Janssen
Amitava Bhattacharya 2005 - 2008 Fellow at the Tata Institute
Anton Leykin 2003 - 2006 Professor at Georgia Tech
Yi Zhao 2002 - 2005 Professor at Georgia State
Keith Mellinger 2001 - 2004 Professor and Dean at University of Mary Washington
Jennifer Wagner 2000 - 2003 Professor at Washburn University

Former Faculty

NameYears at UICPresent position
Yu Cheng 2019 - 2022 Assistant Professor at Brown
Will Perkins 2018 - 2022 Associate Professor at Georgia Tech
Andrew Suk 2014 - 2017 Professor at UC San Diego
Robert Grossman 1988 - 2010 Professor at the University of Chicago
Uri Peled 1984 - 2009 deceased
Jeremy Teitelbaum 1990 - 2008 Professor at the University of Connecticut
Jeffrey Leon 1971 - 2008 deceased
Vera Pless 1975 - 2006 deceased
Richard Larson1967 - 2006deceased
Martin Grohe 2000 - 2001 Professor at RWTH Aachen
Wolfgang Maass 1982 - 1993 Professor at Technische Universität Graz