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If you would like to submit a manuscript for consideration in one of
the journals below, it is best to send a PS or PDF file electronically
to bona@math.uic.edu with a copy to pantic@math.uic.edu.
Hard copy submissions can also be made to the mailing address.
Note that some of the journals below require that initial submissions
go to the editor in chief. Please check the relevant journal website to
save processing time.
Current Editorial Boards
- Editorial board, Matematica Aplicada e Computacional
(1981- )
- Editorial board, Differential
and Integral Equations
- Editorial board, International J. of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences(1988-)
- Editorial board, Nonlinear World and Nonlinear Digest
(1992- )
- Editorial board, Electronic
Journal of Differential Equations (1993- )
- Editorial Board, Journal
of Nonlinear Science (1994-)
- Editorial Board, Discrete
& Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series A (1994- )
- Editorial Board, Advances
in Differential Equations
- Editorial Board, Canadian
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics (1996- )
- Editorial Board, Communications on Applied Nonlinear
Analysis (1996- )
- Editorial Board, New
York Journal of Mathematics (1996-)
- Editorial Board, Communications
in Applied Analysis (1996- )
- Editorial Board, Dynamics
of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems (1996- )
- Editorial Board, Communications
in Contemporary Mathematics (1998- )
- Editorial Board, Computational
Analysis & Applications (1998-)
- Editorial Board, Nonlinear
Analysis, Theory, Method & Applications, Series B: Applications
(1998- )
- Editorial Board, Mathematical Sciences Research Journal
(1999- )
- Editor, Discrete
& Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series B (2009- )
- Editorial Board, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods & Applications Series A: Theory
and Methods (2001-)
- Editorial Board, Electronic
Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences (2002- )
- Editorial Board, Chinese Journal of Computational Physics
(2002- )
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Pure and
Applied Mathematics (2002- )
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations (2003- )
- Editorial Board Nagoya
Mathematical Journal (2003-)