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Research Seminars
Professor Bona actively participates in The Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar and The Analysis Seminar at UIC. The former normally meets on Wednesdays at 4:00pm in SEO room 636, while the latter usually meets Mondays at 4:00pm in the same venue.
Recent Course Offerings
- 2009: MATH 579, Singular Perturbation Theory
- 2009: MATH 419, Applied Mathematical Models (Mathematical Biology)
- 2010 (Spring): Complex Analysis
- 2010 (Spring): Writing for Mathematics
- 2010 (Fall): Singular Perturbation Theory
- 2010 (Fall): Applied Mathematical Models (Mathematical Biology)
- 2012 (Spring): Partial Differential Equations
- 2012 (Spring): Non-linear Waves
Current Ph.D. Students
- Gail Tang
- Cristina Haidau
Recent Ph.D. Student
- Sanja Pantić, Graduated UIC 2012. A Study of Solitary-Wave Solution for the Extended Benjamin-Bona-Mahoney Equation
- Dean Leonardi, Graduated UIC 2011. Internal and Surface Waves in a Two-Layer Fluid
- Luissette Hernandez-Medina, Graduated UIC 2011. Benjamin-Bona-Mahony Equation on Finite Trees
- Hassan Fathallah, Graduated December UIC 2007. Modeling and Local Filtering of Noise Embedded in Genome - Scale Macroarray Datasets
- Nghiem Nguyen, Graduated UIC 2004. Stability Theory of Solitary Waves (supervised jointly with John Albert)