- 430. Mathematical Analysis for Teachers I. 4 Hours. Basic properties of numbers, functions, graphs, limits, continuity,
completeness of the system of real numbers. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in Math 210, or consent of the instructor.
- 530. Mathematical Analysis for Teachers II. 4 Hours. Derivatives, inverse functions, Riemann integral, trigonometric functions,
logarithmic and exponential functions. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in MthT 430, or consent of the instructor.
- MthT Graduate Catalog Mathematics Teaching - MTHT
Text: Michael Spivak, Calculus, Third Edition, Publish or Perish, Inc. (Houston, Texas, USA), 1994, Chapters 1--10.
A brief outline of the theory developed in Chapters 1--10.
of Spivak and affiliated activities is available at MthT 430 Summary 2007 (html for fast downloading) or as pdf: 430sumact.pdf (best for printing)
- Much of the class time will be spent working together on projects and problems. Please participate actively in your group.
- Your participation in the class is important to all of us. Please listen very carefully to everyone's questions and ideas.
- The insructor is really annoyed if a cell phone rings. Turn cell phones off!
- Some light remarks on Classroom Etiquette are at
Please address questions or comments on the course or the web pages
to the course coordinator Jeff Lewis: jlewis@uic.edu