- MthT 430 December 5, 2007
- Final Essay -- Turn in at Final Exam
(Letter Grade: A - E) Write and type an essay on a topic of your choice that is very relevant to the material considered in the course. Your essay should include at least one substantial example and at least one substantial theorem and its proof.
- MthT 430 Review 2007 As pdf: 2007review.pdf
- MthT 430 November 28, 2007
- MthT 430 November 14, 2007
- MthT 430 Term Project 2007 due November 28, 2007: MthT 430 Term Project 2007 As pdf: 2007project.pdf
- MthT 430 November 7, 2007
- MthT 430 October 31, 2007
- In Class October 24, 2007:
- MthT 430 October 17, 2007
- 5:00 PM to 6:20 PM: MthT 430 MidTerm Assessment
- 6:30 PM - 7:50 PM: Continuous Functions
- A note to clear up the confusion I (JL) probably
created at the beginning of class October 10, 2007
It is also closely related to problems 5.25 and 5.26 in Spivak. MthT 430 Chapter 5 Limits - An Equivalent Definition As pdf:
- In class October 10, 2007
- 2007 Midterm Assessment, Wednesday, October 17, 2007, 5 -- 6:20 PM
- Due October 10, 2007, 5 PM: Essay 2 - The Square Root of 2 is Irrational MthT 430 Essay 2 As pdf:430essay2.pdf
- In class October 3, 2007:
- In class September 26, 2007
- Rational and irrational numbers: Several Proofs of the Irrationality of roots of integers. Handout:
Square root of 2 is irrational. Compiled by A. Bogomolny from Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles. Apostol's argument is stated more directly in Proof 7.
Remarks on Proof 6 are given in MthT 430 sqrt (2) is Irrational, as pdf: 430sqrt2.pdf
- Functions -- Chapter 3
- Graphs -- Chapter 4
- In class September 19, 2007
- Rational and irrational numbers: Several Proofs of the Irrationality of roots of integers. Handout:
Square root of 2 is irrational. Compiled by A. Bogomolny from Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles. Apostol's argument is stated more directly in Proof 7.
Remarks on Proof 6 are given in MthT 430 sqrt (2) is Irrational, as pdf: 430sqrt2.pdf
- Functions -- Chapter 3
- In class September 12, 2007:
- PMI and the Tower of Hanoi
- Using PMI for Construction of Decimal and Binary Expansions of Real Numbers and Points on a Line
- Rational and irrational numbers
- Due September 19, 2007, 5 PM (Problem Set 03): MthT 430 Chapter 2b Projects As pdf: chap2bproj.pdf
- Functions
- \sqrt{2} is an irrational number
- In class September 5, 2007:
- Professor Howard, Notes, August 29, 2007 (pdf)
- The instructor is Jeff Lewis. My home page is http://www.math.uic.edu/~jlewis/index.htm. My office is 625 SEO. My telephone is 312-996-3064. Please call or send email to jlewis@uic.edu for an appointment.
- This section is
12615 LCD 05:00 PM - 08:00 PM W 208 TH Lewis, J
- The classroom, 208 Taft Hall, is wheel chair accessible via the elevator in Burnham Hall. Students with disabilities who require accommodations for access and participation in the course should be registered with the Office of Disability Services (312) 413-2183 Voice,
(312) 413-0123 TTY,
(312) 413-7781 FAX.
- A Blackboard CourseInfo site for the course has been created at http://blackboard.uic.edu/courses/1/mtht430f07. You will need a UIC NetID and password to log in.
- Fibonacci Spirals in Plants
Prof. Howard has some nice work on Fibonacci sequences, biology, ...
- All notes and projects are available in both html (fast downloading!) and pdf formats (best for printing).
- Printing Notes and Projects: Best results are obtained printing the pdf version of the documents.
- Some Macintosh users have reported difficulty in viewing symbols in the html files. For a workaround see MthT 430 Fall 2007 Note for Mac Browsers. The best solution is to use Acrobat Reader to view the pdf version of the documents.
- August 29, 2007
From MthT 430 Fall 2006
- MthT 430 Review 2006 as pdf: 2006review.pdf
- MthT 430 Term Project 2006 Notes Revised As pdf: 2006projectnote.pdf
- MthT 430 2005 Final Assessment as pdf: 2005fin.pdf
- MthT 430 Term Project 2006 due November 29, 2006 MthT 430 Term Project 2006 As pdf: 2006project.pdf
- MthT 430 Thanksgiving Project Turn in November 29, 2006 As pdf: thanksturnin.pdf
- Midterm Assessment October 25, 2006 (90 minutes - additional lecture and projects at 6:40 PM). Sample:
Assignment Due October 11, 2004: Problems 1 and 2 from MthT 430 Projects Chapter 5a Limits As pdf: chap5aproj.pdf.
Group work will be accepted and is encouraged.
- Essay 2, due October 4, 2006. A proof of the irrationality of k^(1/2) (except for k a perfect square) is given in
What Pythagoras Could Have Done
Yoram Sagher
American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 95, No. 2. (Feb., 1988), p. 117. Factorization into primes is not used! The assignment for October 4, 2006 is to write a summary of this article.
Due September 27, 2006: MthT 430 Projects Chapter 3 Functions Turn In September 27, 2006 As pdf: chap3projturnin.pdf
- Due September 20, 2006: MthT 430 Chapter 2 Projects to Turn in September 20, 2006 As pdf: chap2projturnin.pdf
- MthT 430 Spivak Problem 1.21 As pdf: 430spivak1.21.pdf
- MthT 430 Projects Chapter 1a Inequalities as pdf: chap1aspivak20.pdf
- All notes and projects are available in both html (fast downloading!) and pdf formats (best for printing).
- Printing Notes and Projects: Best results are obtained printing the pdf version of the documents.
- Some Macintosh users have reported difficulty in viewing symbols in the html files. For a workaround see MthT 430 Fall 2006 Note for Mac Browsers. The best solution is to use Acrobat Reader to view the pdf version of the documents.
- The class meets 05:00 PM- 08:00 PM W (Wednesday) in Room 208 Taft Hall
- About the Class
- Fibonacci Spirals in Plants
Prof. Howard has some nice work on Fibonacci sequences, biology, ...
MthT 430 Fall 2005:
MthT 430 Final Exam Wednesday, December 7, 2005
3:30 -- 5:30 PM in 216 Taft Hall.
Before the exam type or write neatly:
(Letter Grade: A - E) Write an essay
on a topic of your choice that is very relevant to the material
considered in the course. Your essay should include at least
one substantial example and at least one substantial theorem and
its proof.
For review see
MthT 430 Review 2005 As pdf: 2005review.pdf
MthT 430 Final Assessment 2001 As pdf: 2001fin.pdf
MthT 430 Thanksgiving Project Turn in November 22, 2005 As pdf: thanksturnin.pdf
MthT 430 Projects Chapter 7 Three Hard Theorems Turn In November 8, 2005 As pdf: chap7turnin.pdf
- MidTerm Assessment Tuesday October 18, 2005 In Class
MthT 430 Midterm Assessment 2002 As pdf: 2002mid.pdf
- MthT 430 2002 Midterm Common Mistakes As pdf: 2002miderrors.pdf
MthT 430 Projects Chapter 4 - 5 Functions Limits Turn In October 11, 2005 As pdf: chap5projturnin.pdf
- Due September 27, 2005: MthT 430 Projects Chapter 3 Functions Turn In September 27, 2005 As pdf: chap3projturnin.pdf
- Due September 20, 2005: MthT 430 Chapter 2 Projects to Turn in September 20, 2005 As pdf: chap2projturnin.pdf
Due September 6, 2005: MthT 430 Projects Chapter 1a to Turn In September 6, 2005 As pdf: chap1aprojturnin.pdf
Due September 1, 2005 3 PM: MthT 430 Essay Assignment 1 As pdf: 430essay1.pdf
- The class meets 3:00 PM-04:30 PM TR (Tuesday Thursday) in Room 216 Taft Hall
- About the Class
- Fibonacci Spirals in Plants
Prof. Howard has some nice work on Fibonacci sequences, biology, ...
- The instructor is Jeff Lewis. My home page is http://www.math.uic.edu/~jlewis/index.htm. My office is 625 SEO. My telephone is 312-996-3064. Please call or send email to jlewis@uic.edu for an appointment.
- This section is
12615 LCD 05:00 PM - 08:00 PM W 306 2AH Lewis, J
- The classroom, 306 Taft Hall, is not wheel chair accessible. Students with disabilities who require accommodations for access and participation in the course should be registered with the Office of Disability Services (312-413-2103 and 312-413-0123 (TTY)).
Please address questions or comments on the course or the web pages
to the course coordinator Jeff Lewis: jlewis@uic.edu