filename  : title contains short description of the application
boon      : neurofysiology, posted by Sjirk Boon
butcher   : Butcher's problem, from PoSSo test suite
butcher8  : 8-variable version of Butcher's problem
camera1s  : camera displacement between two positions, scaled 1st frame
caprasse  : the system caprasse of the PoSSo test suite
cassou    : the system of Pierrette Cassou-Nogues
chemequ   : chemical equilibrium of hydrocarbon combustion
cohn2     : cohn2, modular equations for special algebraic number fields
cohn3     : cohn3, modular equations for special algebraic number fields
comb3000  : Model A combustion chemistry example for a temparature of 3000 deg
conform1  : conformal analysis of cyclic molecules, first instance
cpdm5     : 5-dimensional system of Caprasse and Demaret
cyclic5   : cyclic 5-roots problem
cyclic6   : cyclic 6-roots problem
cyclic7   : cyclic 7-roots problem
cyclic8   : cyclic 8-roots problem
d1        : a sparse system, known as benchmark D1
des18_3   : a "dessin d'enfant", called des18_3
des22_24  : a "dessin d'enfant", called des22_24
discret3s : system discret3, every equation divided by average coefficient
eco5      : 5-dimensional economics problem
eco6      : 6-dimensional economics problem
eco7      : 7-dimensional economics problem
eco8      : 8-dimensional economics problem
extcyc5   : extended cyclic 5-roots problem, to exploit the symmetry
extcyc6   : extended cyclic 6-roots problem, to exploit the symmetry
extcyc7   : extended cyclic 7-roots problem, to exploit the symmetry
extcyc8   : extended cyclic 8-roots problem, to exploit the symmetry
fourbar   : a four-bar design problem, so-called 5-point problem
fbrfive4  : Four-bar linkage through five points, 4-dimensional version
fbrfive12 : Four-bar linkage whose coupler curve passes through five points
gaukwa2   : Gaussian quadrature formula with 2 knots and 2 weights
gaukwa3   : Gaussian quadrature formula with 3 knots and 3 weights
gaukwa4   : Gaussian quadrature formula with 4 knots and 4 weights
geneig    : generalized eigenvalue problem
heart     : heart-dipole problem
i1        : Benchmark i1 from the Interval Arithmetic Benchmarks
ipp       : six-revolute-joint problem of mechanics
ipp2      : 6R inverse position problem
katsura5  : a problem of magnetism in physics
kinema    : robot kinematics problem
kin1      : kinematics problem
ku10      : 10-dimensional system of Ku
lorentz   : equilibrium points of a 4-dimensional Lorentz attractor
lumped    : lumped-parameter chemically reacting system
mickey    : Mickey-mouse example to illustrate homotopy continuation
noon3     : A neural network modeled by an adaptive Lotka-Volterra system, n=3
noon4     : A neural network modeled by an adaptive Lotka-Volterra system, n=4
noon5     : A neural network modeled by an adaptive Lotka-Volterra system, n=5
proddeco  : system with a product-decomposition structure
puma      : hand position and orientation of PUMA robot
quadfor2  : Gaussian quadrature formula with 2 knots and 2 weights over [-1,+1]
quadgrid  : interpolating quadrature formula for function defined on a grid
rabmo     : optimal multi-dimensional quadrature formulas
rbpl      : parallel robot, the so-called left-hand problem
rbpl24    : parallel robot with 24 real solutions
redcyc5   : reduced cyclic 5-roots problem
redcyc6   : reduced cyclic 6-roots problem
redcyc7   : reduced cyclic 7-roots problem
redcyc8   : reduced cyclic 8-roots problem
redeco5   : reduced 5-dimensional economics problem
redeco6   : reduced 6-dimensional economics problem
redeco7   : reduced 7-dimensional economics problem
redeco8   : reduced 8-dimensional economics problem
rediff3   : 3-dimensional reaction-diffusion problem
reimer5   : The 5-dimensional system of Reimer
rose      : the system rose, a general economic equilibrium model
s9_1      : small system from constructive Galois theory, called s9_1
sendra    : the system sendra of the PoSSo test suite
solotarev : the system solotarev of the PoSSo test suite
sparse5   : a 5-dimensional sparse symmetric polynomial system
speer     : the system of E.R. speer
trinks    : system of Trinks from the PoSSo test suite
virasoro  : the construction of Virasoro algebras
wood      : system derived from optimizing the Wood function
wright    : system of A.H. Wright