are lecture notes (transparencies) for talks over the last few years. Some are pdf and some postscript. If you have trouble downloading
any of them,e-mail me for assistance.
" When are categorical $L_{\omega_1,\omega}$ classes bounded in size? " UIC logic seminar 2/25/2025 ; "
" Categoricity of Universal Covers of Fuchsian Groups: the non-arithmetic case " Geometry from the Model Theorists Point of View, Oxford Sept 20, 2024 ; "
" $L_{\omega_1,\omega}$ vs AEC: When are categorical classes bounded in size? " AEC Meeting, Baylor, June 2024 ; "
" Infinite Combinatorics from Finite structures " Pals Seminar Boulder,Co Feb 20, 2024 ; "
" (non)-Elimination of imaginaries in `flat' strongly minimal sets " Almaty Kazakistan, UIC Sept 27, 2022 ; "
"Gerald Sacks, Model Theory, and Differentially Closed Fields " AMS Boston Jan 6 UIC Jan 2, 2022 ; "
"What is a geometric proof? Reflections on De Zolt’s axiom " with Andreas Mueller, Notre Dame PhilMath Workshop, Oct 30, 2022 ; "
" Learning Seminar: Categoricity of universal covers and Fuchsian groups II " UIC, Sept 13, 2022 ; "
" Learning Seminar: Categoricity of universal covers and Fuchsian groups " UIC, Sept 16, 2022 ; "
" Logic in K-12 " Simon Fraser University, May 20, 2022 ; "
" Combinatorics of Strongly Minimal Steiner Systems " Apr. 26, 2022 ; "
" Category Theory and Model Theory: Symbiotic Scaffolds " Relations between model theory and category theory; AMS virtual session Competing Foundations for Mathematics, Apr. 6, 2022 ; "
"Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium " " UIC Math Club”;Mar 2, 2022 ; "
"Reflections on De Zolt: Mathematical, Philosophical, and Historical " ; with Andreas Mueller, International Conference “Modern Geometry and its Foundations”; Vienna by zoom/ Jan 15, 2022" "
" Category Theory and Model Theory: Symbiotic Scaffolds " " Relations between model theory and category theory; Carnegie Mellon University/ Dec. 8, 2021 ; ;
"Strongly minimal Steiner Systems: Model Theory, Universal Algebra, Combinatorics " "Classification and examples of flat strongly minimal sets, University of Chicago Nov 14, 2021" "
"Fine Classification of Strongly Minimal Sets (long version) " The strongly minimal sets with flat geometries fail elimination of imaginaries (with Verbovskiy), Almaty Sept 10, 2021"
" Dividing line strategies for Classification " Fudan Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics Conference, Shanghai Aug 22, 2021"
"Fine Classification of Strongly Minimal Set " The strongly minimal sets with flat geometries fail elimination of imaginaries (with Verbovskiy), Poznan July 23, 2021"
"Hanf Number of Extendability " There is a complete sentence of $L_{\omega_1,\omega}$ with maximal models cofinally in the first measureable (with Shelah), Carnegie Mellon Feb. 4, 11, 2021"
"Fine Classification of Strongly minimal sets " Southern Illinois Logic Seminar, Oct. 15, 2020"
"Strongly Minimal Steiner systems and structure of strongly minimal sets " Bogota Logic Seminar, Sept, 2 2020"
" The reasonable effectiveness of model theory in mathematics" Notre Dame Philosophy of Math Workshop Nov. 7, 2019"
"Is \aleph_1-categoricity for L_{\omega_1,\omega} absolute? " Model Theory \& Mathematical Logic (Laskowski fest) June 2019, College Park"
"Strongly Minimal Steiner Systems " Helsinki Logic Seminar, Jan 27, 2019"
"Philosophical implications of the paradigm shift in model theory " OXFORD PHILOSOPHY OF MATHEMATICS SEMINAR & LOGIC SEMINAR, Jan 24, 2019"
" Strongly Minimal Steiner Systems" Neo-Stability Theory, CMO-Birs Oaxaca, October 18, 2018: extensive bibliography of connections with finite combinatorics and universal algebra " Video of the lecture"
" Entanglement of model theory and set theory: Eventual Behavior and Noise " Methodological Approaches in the Study of Recent Mathematics, Konstanz, September 18, 2018
" Philosophical implications of the paradigm shift in model theory: The rocky romance of model theory and set theory " Conference in memory of Mati Rubin: Eilat, April 24, 2018
" Three notions of Geometry " Mini-conference on axiomatic geometry and model theory: Jerusalem, April 16, 2018
" Philosophical implications of the paradigm shift in model theory: Formalization without Foundationalism: " For Model Theorists: Paris, March 28, 2018; Se`minaire de Philosophie des Mathm´ atiques et de la Logique
" Philosophical implications of the paradigm shift in model theory: Formalization without Foundationalism" Philosophy of Math SIGMAA, MAA Mathfest, July 27, 2017
" From Geometry to Algebra: Multiplication is not repeated addition" Western Illinois University, May 5, 2017: version of the geometry work focusing on pedagogy
"Model Theory and the Middle Attic" AMS Sectional, Bloomington, IN, April 1, 2017: Infinitary logic and smaller cardinals
"Philosophical implications of the paradigm shift in model theory; much overlap with ND talk " (Model Theory: Philosophy, Mathematics and Language); Munich Jan 10, 2017
"Philosophical implications of the paradigm shift in model theory " (Midwest Philosophy of Mathematics Workshop );Notre Dame October 13, 2016
Tutorial: Does set theoretic pluralism entail model theoretic pluralism; Aberdeen, July 2016
" I The divorce of model theory and set theory"
" II Categoricity, in what logic?"
" III The entanglement of infinitary logic and set theory"
"Hanf Numbers for Properties of AEC's" Workshop on Strong Logics and Set Theory Barcelona Sept 2016, UIC Oct 2016 Theorem (B-Shelah) There is a complete sentence of L omega_1 omega with maximal models in cofinally below the first measurable and never again
"Unreasonable Effectiveness of Model Theory in Number Theory" Slides Antalya Algebra Days, Nesin Math Village May 2016
"Disjoint n-amalgamation " IMP Model Theory and Set Theory Conference Teheran 2015, Theorem (B-Koerwein- Laskowski) We exhibit a specific complete sentence of L omega_1 omega characterizing aleph_n using a new notion of disjoint n-amalgamation in the finite.
"Some episodes in MSCS History" Slides AMS Sectional Meeting - History of Math Session
"Variants on the Morley Analysis" Slides Vaught Conjecture conference June 5 2015
"The entanglement of model theory and set theory" SlidesLogic Seminar, Ohio State, Columbus April 2015 (This lecture includes the Urbana one putting the set theory connections in a wider context.)
"The entanglement of model theory and set theory"AUDIO Logic Seminar, Ohio State, Columbus April 2015 (This lecture includes the Urbana one putting the set theory connections in a wider context 1 hr
"The entanglement of model theory and set theory" SLIDES: Special Session in Philosophy of Math, ASL annual meeting, Urbana March 2015
"The entanglement of model theory and set theory" AUDIO: Special Session in Philosophy of Math, ASL annual meeting, Urbana March 2015
"The large and small in model theory" spectrum of joint embdedding and amalgamation, Madison March 2015
"The White Space Nearby" (AMS special sessions); Properties of small cardinality models in AEC San Antonio January 2015
"Axiomatizing Changing Conceptions of the Geometric Continuum" (Midwest Philosophy of Mathematics Workshop );Notre Dame October 18, 2014
"Completeness and Categoricity (in power): Formalization without Foundationalism" (originally Notre Dame Workshop on Mathematical Philosophy); revised (more math) University of Chicago April 24, 2013
"Completeness and Categoricity (in power): Formalization without Foundationalism" Notre Dame Workshop on Mathematical Philosophy; Notre Dame, Oct. 28, 2012
"Using Set Theory" Infinity Workshop: The Red Herrrings
"Constructing Borel Models in the Continuum" Harvard, Apr 8, 2013
"3 red herrings around Vaught's conjecture" Notre Dame, Mar 28, 2013
"Using Set Theory in Model Theory I" (detailed) Galois types in Analytic AEC Helsinki , Feb, 2013
"Using Set Theory in Model Theory II" (detailed) getting many models in aleph_1 from failure `algebraic symmetry) Helsinki , Feb, 2013
"Using Set Theory in Model Theory" (short)Artic Set Theory Conference (update of Boston), Feb, 2013
"Using Set Theory in Model Theory" ASL meeting 2012 Boston
"Calculating Hanf Numbers" Infinity Project July 2011 Barcelona
"Complexity and Absoluteness in L omega_1 omega " Jouko Vaananen Birthday September 2010 Helsinki
· Modern Model Theory\\ The impact on mathematics and philosophy, Model Theory and Philosophy – Paris June2010. pdf
· Bib for Modern Model Theory\\ The impact on mathematics and philosophy, Model Theory and Philosophy – Paris June2010. pdf
"Geometry and Categoricity " Boris Zilber Birthday September 2010 Barcelona
"foundationS: A model Theoretic Viewpoint" Amsterdam , August 2009 - Workshop on practice-based Philosophy
"A Field Guide to Hrushovski Constructions" Tokyo, July 2009 – Annotated bibliography; slides are in shortened form. Extensive bibliography from Hrushovski to recent developments
" Categoricity" South Asian Logic Conference, Singapore June 2009 -From Morley to AEC
"Infinitary Model Theory: Covers of Abelian groups: Take 3" Cherlin Bayrami, Istanbul June 2009 -updating earlier
"Foundations: A Model Theoretic Perspective" Notre Dame Conference of Philosophy of Mathematics, Nov. 2008
"Infinitary Model Theory: Covers of Abelian groups" Rutgers, October 2008 (variants at UIC and Wesleyan earlier)
"What is a complete theory: finitary, infinitary, AEC" Notre Dame Logic Seminar August 2008
"First Order and Infinitary Model Theory: Obtaining Amalgamation" Leeds, June 2008
"Perspectives on AEC" Midwest Model Theory, April 2008
"Is VWGCH necessary?" ASL meeting 2008 Irvine
"Keisler proof for few types from few models in aleph-1" UIC Fall 2007
"The amalgamation Spectrum" AMS sectional Oct. 6, 2007
"The lower infinite" Discussion of direction and problems: Chicago October 8, 2007
"Perspectives on AEC" Discussion of direction and problems with special emphasis on the lower spectrum Villa de Leyva, Colombia July 28, 2007
"What is the right type-space?" expansion of Winnipeg talk to include discussion of tameness, Humboldt Univ. Berlin July, 2007
"Generalized Quantifiers and AEC" 50 years of generalized quantifiers, Warsaw, June 2007
"Morley's Proof" Plenary, Canadian Math Society June, 2007
"What is the right type-space?" Model Theory Session, Canadian Math Society June, 2007
"Geometry and Proof" Breakout, Symposium on Excellence in Teaching and Learning of Math and Science May, 2007
"Why the WGCH is true" Invited Address, Association for Symbolic Logic/APA, April, 2007
"Abstract Elementary Classes: Research Directions and Abelian Groups" Seminar at Leeds, October 12, 2006
"Abstract Elementary Classes: Abelian Groups" Seminar at CRM Barcelona, October 3, 2006
"Proof and Geometry" (See also the paper in the paper section). Tools for Teaching Logic Salmanca September 2006
"Abstract Elementary Classes: Motivations and Directions" Barcelona Logic Seminar, September 2006
"The Complex Numbers and Exponentiation: Why Infinitary Logic is necessary" Columbian Mathematical Association, August 2005
"Tameness: Corrected Nov. 2005 (page 37)" Bogota Model Theory Meeting, August 2005
"Perspectives on Expansions" Norwich Meeting, JUly 2005
"Bibliography" Norwich Meeting, JUly 2005
"The Vaught Conjecture: Do uncountable models count?" Notre Dame Meeting, May 2005
"Beyond First Order Logic II" ASL European Summer Meeting, Torino, July 2004
"The Metamathematics of Random Graphs" Logic, Algebra, and Geometry, St. Petersburgh, May 2004
"Beyond First Order Logic I" ASL Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, May 2004
"Getting a model in Aleph-2" Colloquia, Notre Dame and Helsinki, Spring 2004
"EM-models and downward categoricity transfer" Bogota Conference on Abstact Elementary Classes, November 2003
"Expansions of Models" Antalya Algebra Day , Antalya, May 2001
"Forking and Multiplicity" Logic and Algebra , Istanbul Bilgi University, May 2001
"Homogeneity vrs Saturation Barcelona Logic Meeting , Barcelona, July 2000
" Infinistic Methods in Finite Model Theory Finite Model Theory , Marseille, Apr. 2000
" Applications of StableAmalgamation Malcev Conference, Novosibirsk, Aug. 1999
" Finite and InfiniteModel Theory: An historical Perspective"; WOLLICS June 25, 1999; Itataia, Brazil
" GEOGRAPHY OF STABLE THEORIES"; Table of stable theories
"Finite and InfiniteModel Theory: Embedded Finite Models and L^n axiomatizability of categorical theories"WOLLICS June 27, 1999; Itataia, Brazil
" Finite and InfiniteModel Theory: Stability in Finite Models" Workshop on Logic and Cognitive Science:April 18, 1999 in Philadelphia
"Constructing $\omega$-stablestructures: finite rank fields (with Kitty Holland) MAMLS, Rutgers, Sept 1998
"Stability and Embedded FiniteModels Oberwolfach, February 1998
"Model Theory, Finite,Countable, and Uncountable" MAMLS, CMUApril 26, 1997
"What is an extension axiom"Association for Symbolic Logic Annual Meeting March1997 at MIT